Thursday, September 24, 2009


Judah's exact day 1290 abomination of desolation, in the era of the two witnesses, was set up in 1996 by that massive Nation of Islam rally at the United Nations in NYC. Now the delusional Islamic usurper in America's desecrated Casa Blanca has his finger on the prophetic nuke button timing in GREASE 2. Even the same 'mad man' cited in NAPOLEON DYNAMITE's "Forever young..." lyrics.

On the same Jewish holiday that Judah's day 1290 one will preside over the REV.17 horseshoe table at the UN Security Council, there was already a 6.4 earthquake off the REV.13 coast of Pedro Obama's Mexico. Timing in at 7:16:24 London time, for a strong 7.16 reference to my hot woman from the REV.12 Bible Belt's flooded out Georgia.

As per dropping the bomb in 1964's DR STRANGELOVE. Here's a die hard update on the WILLIS TOWER meets WAG THE DOG falling documents prophecy at:

Yesterday morning, I heard former Gov Blago being interviewed on radio about his rather bland book. He's gonna have to threaten to drop the queer Dr Strangelove bomb, if he hopes to stall the Chicago machine court squeeze. Sadly, it's looking like Donald Young had to be murdered, in order for Gov Elvis et al to become young at heart once again and frolic along the sands of Malibu.

Check out that amazing NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD zombie in the UN painting's lower east corner, below it's White Horse Prophecy depiction, at:

He seems to be walking towards the mural's seated black leader. Who is being worshipped by another man down on his knees, ready to role play Larry Sinclair, the future 0926 whistle blower.

Gregory Scott Relf


Remember that 19 year-old BYU coed, Brooke Wilberger, who was abducted from Jon Heder's area, while cleaning parking lot night lights, when my first NAPOLEON DYNAMITE reports started rolling out? They found her remains off Rt.20, on this week of the Jewish New Year. I was remembering how they only found her flipflop sandals lying on the ground, and a wash bucket, when I spotted this hot GREASE photo of Victoria Beckham at LAX, walking by a lost sandal, at:

Southern Belle Jessie's beloved little pooch 'Daisy' got eaten alive by a skinny wild LA canine last week. It was a DRIVING MISS DAISY message to all about the film's old Jewish FDR lady who finally accepted the ANIMAL FARM style dog-eat-dog marxism of MLK.

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