Saturday, August 28, 2010


The brown blob bombed a Mexican TV station south of Brownsville, and murdered some official investigating the killing of those 72 illegals. So the abomination of desolation's corrupt DOJ gave Phoenixville's sheriff another Orwellian ultimatum to produce yet more documents. And his illegal State department cited Arizona in their human rights report to the alien UN. What would you expect from a usurper who was born in Africa to a Kenyan father, was adopted by an Indonesian national and moved there with his mother, and has no legal US citizenship papers? The MARK 13:14 liar does not even have a legit Social Security number.

America's chocolate covered peanuts turd figure was only allowed to meet with North Korea's no.2 leader.

A human foot washed ashore on Washington state's Whidbey Island Friday, which is famous for it's blue heron nesting beach, located south of Rt.20's turbulent Deception Pass.

A 17 year-old daughter of the US ambassador to Thailand fell to her death from a NYC building on West 34th Friday.

I saw THE SWITCH last Tuesday at REGAL, and was amazed by all those iPADs that Cassie's little son collects. Since the film was shot some time ago, and iPADS are widely used for their great portrait photos app. That's a Rt.111 Chocolate Mtns. iPAD mounted on the dash board of Austin Powers' XKE Shaguar, first filmed that way in the 90s.

Everyone does the threesome hop in their white socks in AMERICAN GRAFFITI. Here's Jen Garner signaling her man that it's time to make the hop at:


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