Sunday, August 22, 2010


There are usually Rt.111 style earthquakes that ad a little Providential shake, rattle, and roll to any major Jennifer Aniston event. Such as an opening movie, or some extra inspired gossip news hilarity designed to discourage yours truly. THE SWITCH this time was the weekend's 5.6 White Horse Prophecy earthquake confirmation under the sea off Greece. For George Albert Smith's prophetic vision of the Greek homosexual pagan figure Barack Obama. Based on the traditional flying white horse Greek god of stormy weather, named Peg-ass-us. That blew into Salk Lake City as my JACOB 5 post was rolling through town, and RL was all over the news stands posing on a white horse in NYC's Central Park.

My CADDY SHACK sidekick pest is staying at the Blue Heron Farm on Martha's Vineyard this week. Where the film's protagonist is sleeping with his jealous Neve Campbell forerunner. Until the switch happens, like in this inspired blue heron triple beed-bracelet portrait of Scarlett Johansson at:

Which is usually followed up by her God given female intuition that discerns when the first lady has come, and she should signal her husband that it's time to switch. Using some little non spoken gesture that any man would pick up on, without losing momentum, like at:

Sunday USA time, there was a 5.5 shaker off Guam in the vagina size DEEP HORIZON tattoo on Scarlett's left arm. That she will be using to hang on for mercy once my black 55 Chevy sidekick switches gears. That's Obama's Haiti voodoo skull hanging from the rearview mirror, when we first see the king of the cowboys in AMERICAN GRAFFITI. In confirmation of RL's brown crocodile voodoo bags advertised in
Sunday's special 'F' magazine full of FFing fashion highlights in the NYT.


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