Saturday, February 25, 2012


PLAN B's senior investor showed up on Leno Friday night in a pair of Chloe Moretz' wet hot black leather pants to let us know that Jack Nicholson's prophetic 70s era of sex with underaged teenagers is back.

Therefore Ms Moretz arrived at LAX for a flight to Italy just in time for her mother's lasagna to ripen to perfection by the same day of the 84th Oscars off Hollywood Blvd.

Last time I was in Milano wearing a dark suit and white shirt like my JT missionary man in THE BLUES BROTHERS, we were all ogling the future President Monson's underaged 16ish daughter sitting next to him on the podium.

You convert me, I'll convert you.

And I really do not give a shit where you come up with the money; that's your business.

Because 1995's "cash the check" prophecy about my MLK juice man in GET SHORTY, meets Ellen Page in ROMA, takes place at Oliver Stone's look alike offices on Hollywood Blvd above that fake ID 'CHECKS CASHED' joint.

Hence Chili takes the 310k from Mel Gibson's Area Code 310 where his big Central American movie director beard suddenly went up in flames after he leaned over some Catholic mass candle at a gift shop; that was owned and operated by some Hollywood Jew's former Bette Midler look alike wife in THE FIRST WIVES CLUB. Who was just trying to make an buck after she had been dumped for the latest Hollywood hottie wanna-be.

Apostate Judeo-Christian Mormon monogamy values are so gay.

Hopefully, my half Jew dictator sidekick from today's Arab infested London is still going to show up somewhere in Hollywood on Sunday, still wearing all those shiny gold medals on his chest.

Everybody in 666 government loves a lavish awards ceremony.


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