Saturday, September 1, 2012


Barack Obama's new born-again homogaysexual LAWERENCE OF ARABIA revolution remake is about to fuck Israel in the ass at the same time that the gay ass Jewish crown of London gets fucked in the butt; DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER meets SPLITTING HEIRS style. ~ You don't allow me to sit down on the Throne of England's royal shitter in Las Vegas, you don't get to sit your ass down there either. ~ Because the NYT's butt fucking Jews were lying about the greatest illegal alien con job in the history of America; thanks to the white pussy whipped Anglo Saxon Protestant Mormons who are now running the grand old party of Abraham Lincoln, meets Illinois' new 666 president who was born again after he was born in Afroca. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: That old nigger who ran over the children in L.A. was about Obama's FDR era minions at the LA TIMES robbing their children's future to pay for today's reformed fascism. ~ Last night, I dreamed that Tom Hanks et al died laughing while riding on some metro bus in West Los Angeles. ~ I just read that Adriana Lima's 7 year-old white pooch named 'Ivory' was kidnapped by the devil during her symbolic 9 months with child period period in REV.12. Per the new Biblical Isaac REV.12 flooding during that homogaysexual Brazilian fest party down in Louisiana, USA. ~ After three weeks of Jennifer Aniston shooting MEET SIENNA MILLER down in North Carolina, the NYT style gossip media is finally suggesting that Obama's birth certificate belongs to the invisible man who is seated upon the invisible throne of England. Where they made the original INVISIBLE MAN movie. ~ Last night, I tagged 'Keira Knightley topless' on google news. Paul Anderson is presenting some kind of a CITIZEN KANE look alike movie sequel-remake called 'THE MASTER' at the Venice Film Festival, at:

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