Friday, January 11, 2013


You stonewall the news about that REV.16 year-old shot-gunner at Union High School in Bakersfield, CA. You stonewall the confirmed fact that Barack Obama has been using a stolen Social Security number. You stonewall the real reason why the banks failed in 2008. You will love it when you get those two greasy horns up your ass big time. ~ Ergo, some two witnesses wanna-bes took a bunch of day 1260 [January 20] hostages on Friday next to LAX' THE RACK. For a torture rack confirmation of that anti American movie that was just nominated by all those Jews and nigger-loving queers in Hollywood. Ergo, the unlawful dark knight wanna be look alike gets lynched in THE DARK KNIGHT prophecy, without a lawful trial. As was just confirmed by the hanging of that 666 Mexican high school namesake hero, all over again, at: ~ Think everybody and his dog knows that Obama had Donald Young murdered in Chicago. But they all go ahead and make him an honorary citizen President of America anyway; just to piss off the Christian white people who don't like niggers, Jews, homosexuals, and drug addicts. ~ Who can blame them now for not getting all that excited about Mitt Romney in the last politically bogus election? ~ GSR/TWN ~ DC NOTES: The National Cathedral announced their excitement about holding gay weddings there on the same day that ferry rammed into NYC at full speed. Saddly, they never saw it coming. ~ Here is the story about Donnatela Greco getting drowned, and then rising up from the sea, born again, at: ~ Think Carey Mulligan meets Keira Knightley in NEVER LET ME GO.

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