Saturday, October 20, 2007


Nevada's Mormon senator from the 42nd latitude line praised Rush Friday for selling his socialist pig agi-prop letter for Jenny's double 211 figure of $2,100,100. On the same day the FBI opened an international rape-torture RENDITION investigation of THE HOAX expert David Copperfield. I read that there is a video recording involved. So if things don't work out for Pam Anderson with that other Las Vegas magician, she might wish to audition for DC.

The best review so far of the new movie in theaters came from HOUSE OF WAXMAN member Pete Stark. Who really got into the paranoid 42 spirit of the CIA torture story by claiming that President Bush is sending young soldiers to die in Iraq for his own personal pleasure. If Stark was a real patriot like Senator Reid, he would write that all down and sign it. Then have Rush auction it on ebay to raise funds for the troops' widows.

The Seattle woman who claims that she was sexually tortured in a foreign country by the liberal Jewish illusionist is from the district of the stark raving mad con man Rep. Jim McDermitt. Because there is a little place on Nevada's 42nd line called McDermitt; east of Disaster Pk and Kings Creek. Right there is the socialist Bilk Creek Mtns if you know what I mean. Going east along the line is my Hwy.93 Jackpot landmark on Falls Creek. It's probably a gas station and two card room bars with a old motel full of cheap paintings.

I have never seen DC's fiery act, but I hear that he makes elephants disappear, the high society kind who believe in the grand illusions of FDR, MLK, LBJ, and His Silliness the Dalai Lama. The words GONE BABY GONE describe perfectly the basic disappearance theme of Copperfield's entire show.

Down in fascist Venezuela, a group called the ‘Patriot Command of the [Utah] Desert' destroyed a glass monument to the socialist pig Che Guevara. Prophetically confirming the Rt.140 path across Nevada's 42nd latitude desert around dry Cows Head Lake, dry Massacre Lake, Black Rock Range, and Valley Desert, for Friday's S&P 500 civil war closing at 1,500.63, down 39.45 caliber at:

Down in Ganglanda, South Africa, the news broke Friday that 43 year-old reggae star Lucky Dube was gunned down in one of the day's numerous carjackings. He was best known for his hit song ‘Come Together as One'.

In George Clooney's New Jersey, a drug infested house exploded Friday at: .

Up in Traitor's Cove, Alaska, Republican Ben Stein contributed $2,000 to loony Al Franken's twin cities senate campaign, because all this 42 months hysteria is really creeping him out. In REV.19:10, it says "...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." And Jesus makes a lot of Jews very nervous, like Billy Crystal and Abe Foxman, etc. I hear BC is hosting the big upcoming 60th birthday bash in NYC for Hillary Bill Obama, which stands for HBO.

Yours, GSR/TWN

Rt.14's big Saddleback Butte S.P. pileup happened when those lovely photos from ELLE's 14th annual Women in Hollywood event rolled out. Don't miss the pics from this Monday's FF awards in LA.

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