Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The day after McCain was heckled by La Raza radicals in San Diego, 8 Latinos drowned in a California canal. When a garbage truck rammed a 4x4 west of Modesto. Down the Hwy.33 church road from there is Crows Landing Jet Facility confirmation of Sheryl Crow singing America's aliens anthem at NY's All Stars game on the same day. To the east is [Evelyn] Keyes landmark on Hwy.99.

Because Homer McCain is scheduled to speak at Ham's 99th black NAACP convention for Obama's down low cock suckers today in Cincinnati, OH; located in Hamilton County.

Confirming Dick Cheney's Crowheart Butte, Wyoming heart medication wheels prophecy stuff, Madonna's A Rod chatted up Ms Crow during Tuesday's batting practice. Some old FDR era player was tossing the balls for that historic All Stars' Homer Simpson homer-derby record of 28 homers.

Here's HELLBOY's firestarter girl in a great Crowheart outfit with the late Mrs Betty Wright's Betty Boop hairdo omen at:

The photo's inspired latin word 'DIOS' means God.

EZE.10's four wheels La Raza garbage truck crash happened on Needham Rd. For that huge fuel tanker explosion in Needham, Mass Saturday; north of Dedham Country Club. Right before Massachusetts revived their national gay marriage campaign against the righteous. The gas rig driver was Kevin Power, 59 of Watertown, at:

Notice the prophetic TIFFANY clock reads 56 after in Evelyn Keyes' 1947 movie poster for the plural marriage film noir JOHNNY O'CLOCK at:

YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG's Nina Foch was also in the picture. Her preordained Kate Hudson look was confirmed by her April 20 birth date connection to Kate' April 19 date. She is flashing the threesome sign at:

Yours, GSR/TWN

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