Monday, October 13, 2008


Friday, Saturday, Sunday's extraordinary and historic emergency meetings by the G7 beast, and it's alien G20 network, marked off the 45 symbolic days in DANIEL 12 between day 1290 and day 1335. Counting from the DNC abomination set up at Denver's SIX FLAGS center, to Obama's BRONCO STADIUM speech off the UFO numbered 20th Avenue and Federal Blvd.

Reportedly, the G20 released their statement after sundown Saturday evening. Which is Sunday, by the Jewish calendar, and already Sunday morning in 35-latitude Israel.

Basically, everyone was running around in DC frantically sticking their fingers into the transsexual dyke's hole. While no one was calling for the resignation of Sodom's Senator Dodd and Barney Frank network; who are at the red roots of the international socialist money problem.

You want social justice? Set up a private credit union that provides housing to worthy people without creating mountains of debt.

Before it's all over, the Barney Frankenfurters will be testifying under oath, or run out of town. Once the Democratic Party media can no longer whitewash what has actually been going on during the past several decades.

With the ongoing 666 treasury crisis in mind, Sunday morning I watched the prophetic sequel, TARZAN'S SECRET TREASURE [of gold]. Of course, Tarzan's real treasure turns out to be his monkey family, etc. That he saves once again with a stampede of GOP elephants, straight out of the old flooding river screenplay prophecy in REV.12

But I did not expect to see the 1941 movie's amazing day 1335 World AIDS Day [1996] confirmation. Of the AIDS stinger spears that the marching butt naked African savages use in REV.9. Which was immediately confirmed by the breaking death reports about day 1290 Minnesota's famous transsexual politician Allan H. Spear, at:

Spear announced that he was transsexual in the same year I got married.

Back on Judah's last day 1260 anniversary, at 4:08 am the Lord woke me up and said, "BOSTON!" Then in a flash vision, he slammed his palm down hard on top of Granny Grass' washing machine.

I truly appreciate receiving these informative and insightful nuggets of enlightenment. Here's some other amazing revelations: Back on 9.30, at 10:08 pm, while napping, an angry black man shouted "You mother fucker!" On 9.24, at 11:35 pm, a mystery man's voice said "You're an idiot!" Earlier, the same day, at 3:58 am, a pissed off Englishman said "You lout!"

Most of the time, the messages are more positive. Like the sweet sounds of Neve Campbell having an intense orgasm. Or a dream about running into Sienna outside ALs, and she asks me if I would like to drive her and a friend home in her baby powder blue AUD/I TT. Causing me to wake up all excited, wondering if her TT has the 2+2 back seat bench layout. Like I see the next day in a T-ods magazine ad, at:

Yours, GSR/TWN

Check out these hilarious Clark County, Vegas photos of the German POWDER BLUE star Jessica Beil, campaigning for the great leader Obama. Wearing her finest 42-months style Italian leather Mussolini boots at:

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