Friday, April 3, 2009


Gov Blago was indicted the day after America's Manchurian candidate met with the Queen of Diamonds. As the news was rolling out about the feds' baked Alaska case against Senator Stevens being dropped.

My advice to Blago: The bullshit 666 game is over. Don't bother to hire an attorney. Handle the DEATH WISH 6 case yourself. After thoroughly considering Bronson's last prophetic movie at:

No judge.
No jury.
No appeals.
No deals.

Blagojevich is a former Cook County prosecutor in Chicago's 'domestic abuse' section. Therefore, the same day he was indicted at DISNEYWORLD, Florida, the future Queen of England released a domestic abuse prophecy. Demonstrating how Gordon BRUNO's royal fantasy island is going to get the shit kicked out of it by feminist faggot hating Islamic Nazi terrorists, at:

For a second witness, Michael Moore said that he can't wait for Obama's next 666 'Superman' exploit. So a red coat British SUPER PUMA helicopter crashed into the REV.13:1 sea on the opening day of the $trillion$ G20 heist; killing all REV.16 people aboard the BOND operated chopper, at:

Moore is originally from Michigan's Flint area. For a Divine reference to the revolution's flint rifles on display at House In The Horseshoe, in Moore County, NC.

London's G20 agreed to sign some bogus UN climate control deal. On the same day that both US houses passed Obama's similar domestic budget. Fulfilling 1966's royal American OUR MAN FLINT Crown Prince prophecy at:

After watching the fabulous face in Keira's domestic violence PSA, I would follow it up with some cultural balance, like at:

Most domestic violence is initiated by the female. The males tend to finish it.

Gregory Scott Relf

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