Saturday, June 27, 2009


The Hwy.101 techno-666 NASDAQ closed on Michael Jackson's August 29 birth date, the same day he died, with a Car 54 warning at 1,829.54, for Catholic Pelosi's Bay Area district of Sodom and Egypt. Because the stonewalling Obama media thinks they can hide the Biblical red APPLE symbolism in Steven [blow] Job's AIDS case at:

Catholic Farrah Fawcett passed away from anus cancer on the same day at age 62. To put a 602 breakup marker on the third anniversary of Nicole Kidman's Catholic wedding in Manly, Australia on 6.25.06. Reportedly, FF was engaged in vain, again, to her Irish LOVE STORY star right before dying. All D&C 86 church marriages die. All 2BC temple marriages last forever.

The same day Pelosi passed her massive energy tax increase on the poor and unemployed, there was a huge rear-ender in "steers and queers" Oklahomo, near Perez Hilton's horny Miami. REV.9 people died in the horrific pile-up orgy at:

By the hand of God's publicity department, the inspired Jewis rabbi from London, a.k.a. Bruno, spent days planning for his military gay parade, with GOLDMEMBER stinger in hand, down REV.9's Hollywood Blvd, the same day the manly Michael Jackson died, at:

Michael Jackson was very famous for his military costums on stage, and his sexy boy toys in the bedroom.

Friday's Canadian LONDON SILVERBACKS butt fuckers confirmation happened in Oklahomo's Ottawa County. Where the state's Ephraimite cowboy from MULHOLLAND DRIVE, Senator Jim Inhofe, is fixing to take some TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen action himself. You mess with the bull, you get the steer's horns, at:

Right there by I-44 Miami, OK, east of Pyramid Corners, is no.44 Obama's Lake O' The Cherokees; that runs down into VP Biden's Delaware County.

I had watched 1997's WAG THE DOG prophecy Thusday and Friday mornings; Broken Arrow, OK being military code for a missing nuke. It's about all those phony Hollywood leaders who put Obama into office illegally, with a lot of hype and bullshit. Only to have a secretive black White House Obama figure take out the left-wing egomaniac producer in the end at age 57 or 62, depending on the bio, BEVERLY HILLS COP style.

"He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity..." [REV.13:10]

Gregory Scott Relf

PS: Here's an ominous omen from I-65's Crown Point, Indiana at:

Whenever we see Providential homosexual signs and warnings, we simultaneously see dead and injured children.

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