Friday, February 11, 2011


If the above title offends you, then you are probaly one of the naive white MLK dick heads who attended the conservative confab in DC at the same time the Bible Belt was experiencing it's worst freeze on record. And you really don't give a shit about the warning that anyone who kills a nigger just because he is a nigger will be punished 7 fold.

The reason why the 7 hills beast of the new ROMA has been restored upon the Chocolate Mtns nut bar triangle in FRIENDS 4 of the 1950s G7 empire in my MR IMPERIUM midnight cowboy BUBBA HO-TEP assassination prophecy. Is because those two sons of Ham were discussing the 2011 fall of Egypt when my kid napper in the TIE ME UP! TIE ME DOWN! prophecy interrupted them in the middle of the pleasant Spanish piazza fountain of youth night wearing cowboys boots.

[Sorry about the run-on sentences. But most of my successful Hollywood Hills wives just don't have the time to read a grammatically civilized in depth five page posting every morning before call time; on their little BLACKBERRY units.]

In GEN.4:6 God asked the future Egyptian prince in DANIEL's last days scenario, "Why are you angry?.." And then he put a black mark upon him, like he did to today's LA-man-ites in Orange County. So that anyone in the Bible Belt who is pissing on GEN 4:15 with his big Dallas, Texas penis will be FFed in the ass non-stop for 42 months of hell by my sidekick with the black as ink cock Ramuelled inside my transfigured COORS LITE wife that I love to fuck like an oaked up double tall BLACK VELVET on the rocks, no matter what at:


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