Sunday, March 13, 2011


The above editorial was posted on WND right before we learned that the Jewish settler family was cut with a knife by the devil in fulfillment of the flash visions in THE SHINING prophecy. That was directed for WB by the famous Orthodox Jewish rabbi director Stanley Kubrick at:

In the 1980 prophecy that was being filmed when my part Jewish wife, with the part Jewish nose, stabbed me in the back, we learn that Obama's ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH Colorado resort fantasy got it's new futurist iPAD carpet design from a [gay] decorator out of Chicago, "just last year". In order to establish today's prophecy time-line based on my miraculous iPAD purchase last year on Gisele's birthday confirmation of my dream about fingering her all the way to some crazy resort hotel room number 54 [Read CAR 54 traffic stop].

These are the future iPAD photos that are hanging all over the 7 mountains' resort walls in the Indian decor lounge etc. Sheen while we meet the nigger cook Obama figure named 'Dick' who takes little Danny into the back kitchen for some Chocolate Mountains ice cream, after asking him if his dick is big enough. Confirmed shortly thereafter by Dick lying around in alien Miami with those two naked gentile ladies of Judah and Ephraim hanging on his walls. Which is why the rather bitchy Stephen King resembles Charlie Sheening in so many of his handsome POLAROID candids, like at:

AND in this futuristic time-travel photo circa 2031 at:

That fire engine that crashed into Jewel in Stephenville, Texas in the same 35mm time frame I was watching THE SHINING was the same fire engine that Danny wanted to get right before the scenes where Wendy pushes those two buttons on the "Danger High Voltage" boilers inside Japan's cursed nuke plant, and then we start to hear a man screaming. That were set up by Kubrick's amazing God's view shot of the traditional British maze garden that has the two crosses of the Messianic two witnesses of Judah and Ephraim in the heart of it.

When Jack enters the crazy lady's modern Rm.237 tribute to BACK TO THE FUTURE 666ism, we see the really big Negro carpet dick design that was put down there, yet again, last year by today's crazy third way gay decorator from Chicago. Even the same big Swiss mountains 3-sided chocolate nut bar, with a touch of honey, that inspired Brigham Young to declare, "This is the place..." where Robert Redford will one day establish his SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL cult of the latter-day 666 artists in support of all those CARNIVAL OF SOULS indie filmmakers.


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