Thursday, April 7, 2011


If you have been listening to Howard Stern for any length of time, especially during his 1260 days, you would be inspired to know that any Girl Scout out there who is packing a super tight pussy secret weapon can take down any full size man out there. How do you think Sienna Miller does it?

For example; If you are a tight ass homosexual writer for AP, who instinctively knows that Barry's Hawaiian fuck buddy was busted for soliciting she male prostitutes on the eve of the same state's legal birth certificate stonewalling, you would automatically not report that a 'certification of birth' is the same thing as an automatic newspaper birth announcement. Since both of them are based upon the same original birth forms filled out and sent into the authorities by the baby's family members.

What? You think that the local advertiser paper would actually send out a reporter to do a confirmation interview with the mother et al?

How do you think that the paper's routine sincere obituary announcements are generated?

This is why the legally blind Catholic Mormon style de facto homosexuals like Glenn Beck and George Bush have lost so much respect from their true grit conservative audience. Who can always smell a queer when their FOX news leadership at the RLDS church in high Utah looks down their Eiffel Tower size cocks at their humble common sense listeners.

The Jewish Judge Judy trash talk coming out of Hawaii confirmed the Jewish judge election vomit coming out of the cock sucking media mouths of the famous German Swiss cheese head dairy state of Wisconsin. That is now engaged in the political civil war that is coming to all of 'the holy city' in REV.16. Where it is now looking like 10%, or about 30,000,000, are going to die from that 6.5 quake on the border of Tabasco, Mexico right after I posted my first Bloody Mary thoughts on WHEN PARIS SIZZLES. The gentile quake's Vancouver, BC 6:11 time-line connection to the 3.9 quake at 6:11 around Arkansas' two witnesses landmarks was like connecting the two 1260 days time-lines between Judah and Ephraim near I-40's Palestinian time lines.

You'll notice that my physically transfigured screenwriter looks like me from certain angles, then like Charlie Sheen; but it will all finally make complete sense when you see him in the Hollywood studio rip off climax where you realize that the future filmmaker is an astonishing Tom Hanks look alike. And so you google the BIG LOVE producer's upcoming projects and find out what's next by the grace of God.


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