Monday, December 31, 2012


The only way that you can kill a white zombie in most zombie movies is to blow it's brains out, per SHAUN OF THE DEAD meets DAWN OF THE DEAD. ~ The way to make low budget movie blood and gore is to mix HEINZ catsup with corn syrup and a little bit of black boot polish. That way, the fake blood is still pretty runny, but with patches of blackish red clotting. ~ Works every time it's tried. ~ GSR/TWN ~ TIPS: Always switch to black pepper when making an old fashion 1970s Denver omelet with chopped ham and green bell peppers. ~ Reportedly, the political North Korean look alike rapper version of Barack Obama will be performing on Broadway for New Years Eve. In confirmation of his transsexual he/she name 'Kim'. ~ Barry is a homosexual who is not even a US citizen. Which is something that you would never know if you only listened to right-wing talk radio.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Kristen Stewart's Portland strip club T was just confirmed by the free-money bus that went over that frozen Israelites cliff in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. Because the same morning, I watched THE PERFECT STRANGER prophecy about the seductive liberal media mulatto who conned Bruce Willis into voting for Barack Obama back in 2008. And then he got what he deserved for betraying yours truly, a.k.a. 'TRUBLUE' the film's basement apartment sex pervert Internet stalker who was telling the plain truth all along. ~ Ergo, Oliver Stone said America has replaced the Spirit of 76 with the Spirit of I-84 in George Orwell's 1984 prophecy. ~ That now has been double-downed, Las Vegas style, by those back-stabbing Democrat Party Jews in New York who are publishing the names and addresses of all the white people in the next county. ~ And then some lady with a French surname stabbed her lover in the kitchen with a knife at and tried to blame it on me. ~ Talk about the end of the world. ~ GSR/TWN ~ SYNCHRONISMS: I found a rare copy of THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY at PISTOL ANNIE'S Sunday afternoon. Then I found this report about Ben flying over central Africa in a small airplane at: ~ Because Ben Afflect et al want to steal your money in order to pay the niggers in the classic 1930s TARZAN THE APE MAN movies; that were so popular during the FDR era. ~ I also found a copy of THE DARK KNIGHT at PISTOL ANNIE'S pawn shop on Sunday afternoon. Which was made well before anybody would have imagined that an illegal alien darkie, with an Arab name, would ever be allowed to be elected in 2008 by the likes of Glenn Beck, Michael Medved, and Shaun Hannity. And to this day, they are still protecting the nigger. ~ The slippery Jewish downward sliding winding highway off Oregon's Dead Man Pass is a SIX DEGREES OF HELTER SKELTER fun ride thing. ~ The Mi Joo T&T bus crash above is the crude Mexicano "Me Jew" two witnesses dialogue by Mongo in BLAZING SADDLES, per: ~ 9 people are dead in the original report because the number 9 is symbolic of the end of things as they are. Of course, more are probably going to die in the hospital. ~ You have to go to to see the absurd Barack Obama look alike on the DVD cover of THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY, at:

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Kristen Stewart was snapped getting on a plane to [think Paris] in order that the snaps would come out INSYNC with the breaking news about France's high court rejecting the abomination of desolation's tax increases in DANIEL's day 1290 Davidian code prophecies. No wonder the new 666 loving French don't really like the new 666 self loathing Jews that much. ~ Which is the fake birth certificate people in that fake town in BLAZING SADDLES that gets destroyed by today's media fakers at the NYT and NBC et al. ~ "It's a fake!.. We've been suckered in!" shouts the B-52 cowboy co-star of HOW I LEARNED TO LOVE THE BOMB meets 52 PICK-UP. ~ GSR/TWN ~ I LIKES: I like this snap of Kristen Stewart at LAX juxtapositioned to a Dakota Fanning type, at: ~ Note to the police officers in Lincoln, Nebraska: The reason why the naive white Christian people are mocking you, is because they still believe in the black beetle Jesus quarterback of the Washington, DC REDSKINS, a.k.a. Martin Lucifer King. Per: ~ Basically, BLAZING SADDLES was a prophetic REV.17 theme about this Sunday's COWBOYS VS. REDSKINS game in Washington, DC; week 17.

Friday, December 28, 2012


I'm half way through updating BLAZING SADDLES, 1974, meets DJANGO UNCHAINED, 2012. Just after that half-pint Jew in the iconic movie appoints a half Jew nigger from Hawaii to be the leader of America's born again Christian 666 beast. ~ I'm at the point where the half Jewish Branch Davidian called the Waco Kid, and the new nigger in the White House, feel the coming REV.11 earthquake when the big Ephaimite cigar smoker rides into town on his white bull in 2NEPHI 8. ~ Shortly after that shady Jewish A.G. concocted a plan to chase all of the apostate Christians out of today's Sodom and Egypt in Barack Obama's Colorado Rockies "city" called Rock Ridge. [Those 'cities' in the B&M are what we would call towns, or settlements today.] ~ Hence, the Yiddish speaking chief of the lost tribes of Israel, who gives Obama's future Negro child a pass, without even asking to see his identification papers. ~ Which started, "...back in 56." Where we see the two White Horse Prophecies of Judah and Ephraim pulling that band wagon in front of them. ~ The scene where the half Jewish "Deputy Spade" and the holy city's new nigger boss smoke a joint together, is the future time when pot would become legal in the 'Rocky Mountain High' state of the late John Denver, et al. ~ GSR/TWN ~ THEATER NOTES: Norbert Leo Butz' Broadway play was just suddenly cancelled, like a thief in the night, in confirmation of that crappy butt hole portal into the mind of John Malkovich. ~ The artistic inspiration behind Tarantino's new re-imagining of Mel Brooks' BLAZING SADDLES prophecy, about the two witnesses of Judah and Ephraim, can be crudely explained at sites like; ~ I also recommend watching his last Nazi nigger movie, co-starring today's big time Third Way pot head star Brad Pitt. ~ "Be happy, not crappy." [Nyle Smith] ~ This link contains some inspired words from Paul McCartney regarding his prophetic middle-of-the-road song. When THE MONKEES would be rising in THE PLANET OF THE APES, circa 1968, filmed in Utah. And Obama is squatting in the Oval Office, taking a crap on the sacred temple's Persian vagina rug of Israel, at: http://'t-We-Do-It-In-The-Road-lyrics-The-Beatles/227F867F13B62A0248256BC200210D99 ~ Here is a new photo that depicts the two thirds who are about to die in ZECH.13 etc, at: [Some of this two parts prophecy may actually include a part of those two thirds who flee Israel.]

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Hawaii's aging big kahuna governor made the shady Jewish Schatz their next 666 nexus senator. In order that we might not find out about the shit going on with Barack Obama, at: ~ Therefore, Gen Schwarzkoft died on the same day. The same one who didn't have the coconuts to go in and take care of America's future Barack Hussien Obama problem, once and for all. ~ Ergo, Gov Schwarzenegger failed to cut off the head of the snake in California, because he listened too much to his gay-rights wife from Romney's Massachusetts. Ergo, the Schwartz in BEING JOHN MALKOVICH ends up in the body of a little Jewish princess girl in 1999 meets 2012. ~ One can see all the movie's surname look alikes at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ DICTIONARY NOTES: The word shit means crap.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


BEING JOHN MALKOVICH is about how much Cameron Diaz loves a great three-way; loves to watch her girlfriend getting fucked royally; loves to come when she comes; etc. Therefore, the head of STARBUCKS, with the look alike surname of my protagonist named Greg in the above 1999 movie, declared today that all the cups that I love to fuck in the Washington, DC area must have "Come together" written on the side of them, per: ~ Meanwhile, BEING JOHN MALKOVICH is about all those old Social Security cult followers of FDR and MLK who finally enter into the asshole of today's transsexual in the Oval Orifice on his no.44 birthday. After his amazing puppet show at Barack Obama's Lincoln Center for all of his high society puppets in the Jewish media. ~ Ergo, the film's Barack Obama monkey time-line character is named Elijah; and you know what that means. ~ Barack Obama's stolen Social Security number is about America's old forgetful folks stealing from their grandchildren's future bank accounts. In order to be able to live a little bit longer than they are supposed to live according to the word of God. ~ In other words, the motto "Live free or die." is about as meaningless as today's US Constitution that is being fucked in the ass on a daily bases by the new and improved supreme courts of America. ~ GSR/TWN ~ OH YEAHS: Greg finds the great anal sex portal to eternal life in the above Larry Sinclair era 1999 movie at the born again 2:23 birth date time for Dakota Fanning, per: ~ This fuck 100 sign happened when Naomi Watts' new earthquake movie happened to come out, at ~ In the BEING THERE meets BEING JOHN MALKOVICH prophecy, Charlie Sheen is relaxing on my royal Branch Davidian sofa throne when he asks me if he can have Lindsay Lohan after I AM is done with her. The answer is yes; but only if you take care of her in the long run. ~ His former crazy BRIDES OF DRACULA look alike wife with the big boobs was a 1969 sign from the God of Fuck; "There are many mansions in the House of my Father..."

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


BEING JOHN MALKOVICH fucking Cameron Diaz is what they were trying to spoof in their faux sequel entitled THE GREAT BUCK HOWARD MIND FUCK; called "...the best film of 1999." by Chicago's Roger Ebert. ~ Now looking at my old dusty VHS box art shorty scenes, there must be something to it. Given the latest quotes from Spike Lee about Quentin Tarantino's new remake of the Mel Brooks spaghetti western classic, BLAZING SADDLES. ~ I'm pretty sure that the last time I saw BEING JOHN MALKOVICH I had never heard of that white nigger from Chicago; who is now living in the above-floor basement of the White House in DC. ~ Whatever, anything that is some kind of a prophetic artistic inspiration about me fucking a 1999ish looking Camy, I'm there, with both guns blazing. Based upon the movie poster's tag line that reads, "Ever want to be someone else? Now you can." ~ GSR/TWN ~ EXAMPLES: Here is the latest report about REV.11's New York Jews stabbing and shooting the white Jesus Christ believers in the back at: ~ They found a copy of THE MAMAS AND THE PAPAS' "Straight Shooter" song on the baby grand piano next to that shorty's dead mama, according to SIX DEGREES OF HELTER SKELTER.


The new amazing Jay Leno manifestations are Providential context for the prophetic account in SIX DEGREES OF HELTER SKELTER regarding Leno La Bianca. Who had the word "WAR" carved on his dead body that was stabbed 51 times in Silver Lake, LA. The top date on his wife's death certificate was incorrectly typed in with Barack Obama's August 4 birth date; since she was murdered the day after the 8.8 murders of Sharon Tate et al on Cielo Drive. [Heaven Dr.] ~ John Kerry's nomination is a gory HEINZ ketchup Hollywood makeup omen. His marriage to the HEINZ 57 steak sauce heir is a number '57' end of the line confirmation. Like in the frequent Jewish line-crossing themes in Larry David's CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM series for HBO. [Per D&C 57.] ~ THE MONKEYS played their first live show in Barack Obama's Hawaii. Their last and final reunion tour started last month when the illegal alien from Africa was re-elected by the Jews. ~ TAKE A GIANT STEP was the prophetic hidden [MOSES 7:15, 8:18] backside song on their debut hit LAST TRAIN TO CLARKSVILLE; which is about a soldier going off to war. This is the righteous being threatened by the giant big foot NBA icons who are behind the abomination of desolation in MARK 13:14. ~ Leno's killers left watermelon rhines in the sink for a prophecy about the day when Obama's [Al Gore] eco-fascists will be green on the outside and red on the inside. ~ In ZECH.13 only one third of the population of modern Israel is going to survive the Messianic MARK 13 prophecy about the day 1290 abomination. ~ The good news is, they will not have to worry about the false prophet in REV.16 anymore. ~ GSR/TWN

Monday, December 24, 2012


In the wee hours of Sunday, I watched the deleted extras on my DVD copy of THE GREAT BUCK HOWARD. Wherein Buck argues with a lady about how evil Jay Leno is, repeating in take after take, "I CRAP JAY LENO!" Later Sunday, I read that the Leno look alike Senator Crapo, from Mr Potato Head's Idaho, was arrested early Sunday morning in [Egypt's] Alexandria, Virginia for drunk driving. Leno being a big driving enthusiast, etc. At: ~ Sunday night, I googled Jay Leno and discovered that the political centrist gave the centrist Katherine Heigle a Jay Leno pooper-scooper for Christmas at: ~ Ergo, the spiritually drunk Republicans are not fulfilling their sacred oath to uphold the US Constitution by asking to see Barack Obama's birth certificate. ~ Here are the " do..." lyrics for HAPPINESS IS A WARM GUN, at: ~ In my Jennifer Aniston porno clip, she holds up my traditional index finger icon for a royal sire statement. Regarding the revelation that a properly grown whole wheat diet is required to prevent making mentally defective children. ~ In 2004's ANCHORMAN prophecy, the anchor-woman declares that the future REV.13 black and white panda bear beast in the Oval Office is the "...biggest story of my career!" ~ In 1981's WOLFEN prophecy about the one mighty and strong named 'Relf' which means 'powerful wolf' there is a sign on the protagonist's wall that reads, "GOD, GUNS, AND GUTS, MADE AMERICA; Let's keep all three."

Sunday, December 23, 2012


The Jewish John [Oh no!!] Lennon was shot in the back with a warm gun in Jewish New York during Christmas season. Get the picture at: ~ The Egyptian black beetle god is a traditional shit eating omen of death; like in Sandy and Nick's PRACTICAL MAGIC prophecy about the sudden deaths of their bad-boy marriages to Tom Cruise and Jesse James. ~ The Central Park location was God's inspired day 1290 time-line. For when the futurist forces of Sodom and Egypt in REV.11 would be believing that now is the time to centralize all of their hard-fought powers for full employment 666 government. Backed up by their legions of freed African American slaves, and newly liberated out-of-the-closet homosexuals and drug addicts; curtesy of the 1964 Civil Rights Act of the devil. ~ Which is what Truman Capote's ANSWERED PRAYERS underground-city prophecy was all about in the first place. ~ GSR/TWN ~ PORNO PROPHECY: Here is a new clip from my dream about going up to the 55th floor penthouse of a physically transfigured Jennifer Aniston wife in an elevator, at: ~ Note the traditional GSR/TWN index finger flash sign, the nice little 1990s tight ass, etc. ~ My LUCKY U ICON prisoner-of-love tattoo can be seen in this Paris street shot at: ~ Demi Moore is asking for half of their money earned together during their fake birth certificate [marriage certificate] years. In order to give her bad-boy lover an FFing lesson about the dangers of marrying someone just to spite yours truly, the Great Grandson of God. Naturally, today's media con men are saying that she wants to get just as much money from Ashton as she got from her first bad-boy marriage.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Barack Obama just arrived in Hawaii, where he was born again after being born in Kenya, right in time to mark the 12.23 anniversary of when Donald Young was murdered in south Chicago for blabbing so much about his secret gay marriage to then Senator Obama. ~ Even the same Donald Young look alike who had a mulatto baby with that white whore in the BOOGIE NIGHTS prophecy. ~ Therefore, those two network weather-man news anchors just got married in confirmation of that dumb and dumber weatherman in ANCHORMAN's sailor dog prophecy. Which featured POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN [who lives in a garbage can] flexing his one-mighty-and-strong "guns" that are now going to control the out-of-control Jewish princesses in Hollywood. Note the bald light skin transsexual figure in their wedding photo at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ CHECK OUTS: This clip reveals the 144 days connection between THE DARK KNIGHT RISES shooting in Obama's Aurora, CO and the Sandy storm shooting in Conn. Posted by some dumb Protestant anti-Mormon conspiracy nut job at:

Friday, December 21, 2012


Scarlett Johansson's "LUCKY YOU" tattoo was inspired by her "I LOVE NEW YORK" Jew tattoo horseshoe landmark at: ~ Because those Jew killers to the northeast will fire off several conventional warhead scuds at the same time that they launch a couple sarin gas missiles at Israel. Thereby deflecting the Patriot rockets of today's modern Jesus killers with a decoy strategy that will guarantee that at least half of their vapor bombs will make it to their pre-designated day 1290 targets. ~ You go on the radio and lie, you die. ~ GSR/TWN ~ EARTHQUAKES: This island paradise sex-on-the-beach orgasm sign happened as Providential publicity for Naomi's new movie, at: ~ Right before she dumps that lying NYC Jew that she got involved with after her KING KONG movie. ~ STOP THE CRAZINESS!!: Barack Obama is not a communist. He is a born again birth certificate fascist, per: ~ Please stop it with your blind worship of the Civil Rights Act of 19666. Niggers and neo con Jews and queers and drug addicts are the main problem; not god-fearing white people who vote Republican. ~ Long live the Republic of France, and the British Monarchy; not to mention the State of British Columbia.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Idaho's MR POTATO HEAD arrived in Rome in confirmation of the 'When in Rome' subplot in ANCHORMAN 2004. Wherein the Hollywood media of satan was the primary force behind the birth of the movie's black and white panda bear baby from Barack Obama's Catholic San Diego, which has now been completely taken over by illegal alien LAmanite spicks. Where every day the temperature is an even 82 degrees sign of the future day 1290 abomination of desolation in MARK 13:14. ~ Even the city that is most famous for their black and white killer whales show over at SEA WORLD meets REV.13:1. ~ Meanwhile, the Jewish pot head Seth Rogue arrived at the FDR/JFK/LBJ/MLK letter-man show at the exact same time when that fiery pile-up happened on the LIE. Out where that typical Jewish liar Jerry Signfeld lives in his gigantic beach house; complete with White House press corps softball thrower's FIELD OF DREAMS. ~ In other words, you're smoking something if you are dreaming that Obama is the president of the white people who made America what it is today. ~ Because whether or not you are in the left-wing media, or the right-wing media, if you do not tell us the truth about Barack Obama, your gay ass career has come to an end. ~ GSSR/TTWN ~ Right now, I am in the middle of watching WOLFEN's 1981 prophecy about Scarlett Johansson's new "LUCKY YOU" horseshoe tattoo prophecy on her ribs. Which starts out with that ancient crucifix nail tattoo on her wrist at the Castle Clinton park's White Horse Prophecy crucifix flag pole landmark. ~ The gory Al Gore setting at the clean energy windmill park establishes the prophetic Barack Obama time-line. Here she is in all her beautiful woman REV.17 glory at: ~ That older woman who burned to death on the LIE represented Seth Rogue's co-star in his new highway road movie; who was the same age as Malibu's Streisand icon. ~ Speaking of the big white lie going down at NBC et al right now, see this WHITE-OUT Newtown, Conn job report, at: ~ The synagog of Satan sinners will be destroyed by gog magog. Sorry about that.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


THE GREAT BUCK HOWARD did the Johnny Carson show 61 times. For a solid confirmation done by my road manager, Michael Medved; playing clips on his two witnesses radio show of Michael Moore saying that there have been 61 mass-murder shootings in America since he came out with his code-word killer documentary that; that was filmed in Barack Obama's Colorado before there was a Barack Obama in the White House temple of God. ~ In other words, the great Buck Howard always killed when he appeared on the pre Jay Leno show; produced by today's evil "synagog of Satan" Jews in REVELATION. ~ GSR/TWN - ADS: Here is one of my most favorite hypnotized wives in the Death Valley documentary, at: ~ I'll probably be fucking her, and her sister Kristen Stewart, at least twice as often as any of my other wives; until the physical transfiguration kicks in, and the pressure of age is no longer a factor. ~ Ergo, that piano in Bakersfield, Cal is the same piano that Jennifer Garner was playing in my repaired POLAROID camera dream about, "...not this fall, but next fall." The one in the movie's Ornella Fresh prophecy, that started and ended in Bakersfield, Ca. Where her DANIEL 2 feet of Babylon were crushed in an accident at ROSS' discount close-out dresses shop. ~ This report is about the great Buck Howard causing the dead in Ohio to rise up out of their graves in Death Valley, CA, at:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Depardieu moved out of Paris. ~ Because at exactly 3:00, terrorists are going to detonate an atomic bomb in the heart of France's capital; thank you Barack Obama, per: ~ In other words, if you don't like the New Jerusalem of the Branch Davidian made Statue of Liberty from France, then you can leave it. Thank you Barack Obama. And thank you Jesus too. ~ In other words, last week I dreamed that I gathered a gunny sack full of those huge Idaho potatoes in LAST TANGO IN PARIS, like at: ~ Then I saw that shady Jew Jerry Signfeld complaining to his father that his new [Barack Obama] tv sitcom was tanking in the ratings. ~ As just confirmed by that shady NYC Jew who just cancelled the LA premier of Tarantino's new Lincoln Log Cabin Republicans movie. ~ GSR/TWN ~ VIEWER NOTES: Watch what is going to happen in this 66 movie about 44 at: ~ PREVIEW: I found a used scratched copy of 2008's prophecy about THE GREAT BUCK HOWARD at GOODWILL Tuesday, at: ~ Basically, the movie's subplot is about Michael Medved quitting law school and moving to Venice Beach, LA to become a failed screenwriter. ~ Meanwhile, he makes a pretty decent living acting as my local two witnesses radio broadcaster spinmeister manager at etc.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Still trying to buy some time before Dr Hannibal Lecter catches up with all those rich homosexual Jews at the NYT, and out in Hollywood, I dusted off an old 1997 VHS copy of AMERICAN VAMPIRE. That was a prophecy about the white LAmanite redskin 'Kahuna' from Hawaii who helps me rid the House of Israel from today's hip vampires. ~ The underground film's beach party plot was confirmed by the same-day sudden-death of the 88 year-old Roman senator from Hawaii. Who had been suffering from the mainstream media's Alzheimer decease regarding the thought that the president of America should actually be an American citizen. ~ Therefore, whenever you read the new born-again Nazi propaganda about "gun control", think about how it is going to take a lot of guns to control the out-of-control Jews and niggers in DJANGO UNCHAINED. ~ GSR/TWN ~ VIEWER NOTES: AMERICAN VAMPIRE was filmed in an upper Malibu beach pad that resembled the various BEACH BOYS ranch houses where Charles Manson suddenly arrived with all his sexy wives. ~ The big kahuna from Hawaii in the above Malibu movie killed a flying vampire bat-rat while hang-gliding down on Mel Gibson's horse ranch in Costa Rica; John Denver style. Hence the movie's White Horse Prophecy opening logo icon. [Think BATMAN BEGINS meets BATMAN RISING's shooter in Obama's Aurora, Colorado on 7.20.]

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Still trying to buy some time for my Dr Hannibal Lecter cult readers, I watched THE SIX DEGREES OF HELTER SKELTER. Which turned out to be a prophecy about the murder of that Polish Jew shorty's wife; that miraculously happened on the very same day that the fab 4 got photographed crossing the street at ABBEY ROAD studios in London. ~ All four of the BEATLES were full blooded Jews of course. Hence, the famous white-marked sidewalk street crosswalk crucifixion image confirmation of the [Jay] Leno LaBianca [the whites] murder in Silver Lake, LA. ~ Charles Manson was right of course. There really is an underground GSR/TWN city underneath the latter-day EZE.37 landmark of Death Valley, CA. ~ At least that is what the above documentary film producer who was born on Barack Obama's 8.4 birth date says in the 2009 movie. ~ Because 'Helter Skelter' was Manson's term for the race war that would be started by the illegal alien nigger in the White House who finally wakes up the white people. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Greg King is one of the major Manson experts quoted in SIX DEGREES OF HELTER SKELTER. ~ The New Jerusalem killer in Conn. looked like a younger BEATLE, like at: ~ They found Manson hiding under a wash sink at Barker Ranch. For a cleansing of the hands prophecy about the Roman governor pilot who correctly said that the Jewish Judases killed Jesus, not him. ~ Roman's pierced REV.12 wife with child was found laying in a pool of blood in front of a sofa that had an upside-down USA flag draped over it. ~ The future Barack Obama time-line abomination was confirmed by that Islamic temple mount dome mansion near the film's future race riot lamb slaughter. That was then compared to today's defiled Islamic temple dome city hall [USA] Capitol of Beverly Hills. ~ In other words, all the dead bodies that were laying around the black and white zebra rug in the documentary were a prophecy about when there would be a mulatto bastard-child, who was born in Africa, sitting inside the new Casa Blanca remake, circa 2012. ~ Wiki's image of Sienna Miller's future Prince Charles, based in London, reveals his composite D&C 85 meets 5.6 number at: ~ Charles' favorite cold pick-up line with the ladies was, "I am the God of fuck." ~ They found the word "PIG" written on Ms Tate's white door, in her own blood; for when there would be a no.44 caliber style 'Son of Ham' defiling the temple's white house of the Lord in Washington, DC and SLC, Utah. ~ THE LAST TANGO IN PARIS anybody? I'll drink to that, at:

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Looking to buy a little more time that would allow my readers to catch up with the Dr Hannibal Lecter kid killer prophecies, I went through my stack of used $1 tapes from GOODWILL and found something called DRACULA 2000. ~ It's about a vampire named after that shooter in Conn. Who is called 'Adam' by Dr Van Hellsinger. Who ends up getting hanged just like the Jewish Judas figure in HANNIBAL 2000-2001. ~ The one who can only be killed in the future when the real men of Israel with sterling character, like in 2NEPHI 8, have the guts to start hanging any nigger out there who tries to rape one of their white VIRGIN RECORDS daughters. ~ Per the prophetic scene in HANNIBAL where that rich Jew queer in an FDR wheelchair gets pushed off a cliff at the end; and fed to all those wild Chicago mafia pigs imported from Mussolini's Italy. Who are now feeding at the trough of the new 666 fascism going down in Washington, DC. ~ In the 2000 vampire movie above, the new nigger rich blood sucking leeches can only be killed by lynching. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Like in any good Scorsese mob movie, the Chicago mob's Hillary Clinton consigliere suddenly fell sick and went to the hospital, once Congress had summoned her to testify before them about Barack Obama's fake citizenship documents. ~ Most niggers don't deserve a legal trial by their slave masters in the new Tarantino movie because they do not believe in the rule of law.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Nobody loves virgin children more than the childish Jews. Therefore, 20 kids or so were murdered around the New Jerusalem's Newtown, and Sandy Hook, Conn. landmarks. Since they have been dodging the truth and conning the entire world about the immature and wild nature of democratic fascism, and warm and fuzzy homosexual child abuse, etc. ~ Right there is Shady Rest, Conn. For that shady Jerry Signfeld comedian in the Jewish DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER 007 prophecy. ~ You sleep with the high society opera devil in HANNIBULL, you get the horns, and so do your kids. All you dirty-filthy-arrogant-atheist Jews ain't seen nothing yet. ~ [[Think about the new ten virgins movie out on Friday from the mother-earth-worshipper's gigantic divided 50/50 islands landmark of New Zealand.]] ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: When a scud missile is hit by a Patriot rocket, most of it's sarin nerve gas warhead will just break up and disperse into the air; it's toxic vapors drifting down to earth like in the TICKER prophecy, starring Alfred Hitchcock's beloved San Francisco. Where Woody Allen has reportedly been filming his next secret movie, true or false, doesn't matter anymore. ~ After this happens, perhaps a hundred times or so, I suggest that you go ahead and drop a clean eco-neutron bomb on Damascus. That's what I would do anyway. ~ Check out Gwyneth Paltrow's best come-hither leather pants from HANNIBAL, 2001, at: ~ Here is a great image of all the media Jews who are conning us, including FOX's Catholic Bill O'Rielly and the neo con Jew Michael Medved, at: ~ This report is a cue for us, from Obama's Colorado, to review the BUBBA HO-TEP prophecy about how Obama's new Sodom and Egypt is going to be completely consumed by fire, at: ~ This is just the latest NIGGA RICH porno confirmation about MLK, and his Jewish backers at the Southern Poverty Law Center; steeling from the Christian white people of the Kingdom of Ephraim in ISAIAH 11 etc. at: ~ All those children were shot dead near Taunton Pound, Conn. off of George Orwell's I-84, because the white people who are generally better than most people have finally had enough of the race-baiting taunts from the Jews, niggers, Catholics, and queers at the NYT and NBC etc. ~ Those innocent kid lambs were slaughtered on Friday's Sabbath eve like in THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS at the 3NEPHI end of the BOOK OF MORMON's Rt.34 landmark sign.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Hannibal gives the married Miranda Kerr look alike an ancient prophecy about their royal birthrights to the throne of England at 1:05:... minutes on my HANNIBAL DVD. ~ As in, "I eat the pussy." in ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO; [Miri, or Mira, is short for Miranda, or Amanda.] ~ At 35:55 or so, Starling sees H's typical FFing missionary position sketch of her about to get royally fucked by Jesus. ~ All the dog muzzle masks in the Hannibal movies are about the masked man in my alone ranger sidekick movie; co-starring Johnny Depp as the day 1290 half-breed black&white abomination in MARK 13:14, even Barack Obama. ~ Check out this inspired Hannibal Lecter look alike pseudo-science psychiatrist link; complete with the context of Clarice Starling's southern accent, at: ~ Note the hands reaching for the throat. ~ Scuds full of sarin gas are about to rain down on Israel because they don't believe in the Book of Mormon. ~ Kate Holmes appeared in a sexy SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL meets BLUE VELVET meets STAR WHORES meets CAN'T HARDLY WAIT number last night, at: ~ GSR/TWN

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I found the 2001 HANNIBAL sequel about the Jewish Judases who betrayed America in the 2012 election on Tuesday at Bill and Hillary's Arkansas based WAl*MART Tuesday. Then I watched it for the first time Wednesday morning, and woke up later when Medved was talking on the two witnesses radio about that Jewish traitor who they hung in Damascus, Fiorenza, Italia style. ~ Who had arrived in Syria by way of Agentina. And therefore the gay ass EVITA musical on Broadway was canceled on the same day. Because the Jewish Mr Medved has been stonewalling the truth about the abomination of desolation of the defiled Hanukkah temple for the past four years. Even though he could have destroyed the anti-American homosexual with only two or three broadcasts about his born again birth certificate and down low background. ~ Hence, that Hawaiian killer in Portland who worked at the Greek president's BIG BERTHA gyro sandwich joint; which represented Obama's big fat lie birth certificate. ~ GSR/TWN - LINKS: Ms Hathaway's pussy was exposed as a confirmation of Jude Law's porno movie dialogue that read, "You have a beautiful pussy." ~ Hannibal tips us off about the [Donald] trumpet blow job nigger in Washington, DC at about 1:36:... minutes on my DVD. Then he tells Ms Starbucks that the FBI is no longer protecting America from any kind of obvious illegal alien usurper in the White House. Because they have become more interested in their fat pay checks and cushy day 1290 medical benefits. Besides, almost half of today's FBI men are a bunch of niggers anyway. So what would you expect? ~ Therefore, the stupid white Boehner look alike gets his head circumcised at the end of the FBI agency prophecy. And then everything comes to a 44 teeth finale in front of the film's various White Horse Prophecy images. ~ HANNIBAL's main screenwriter also wrote the WAG THE DOG prophecy. ~ The end is near, at:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I got around to watching the deleted "GANG BANG" scenes on my DVD copy of ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO last night. Wherein Carey Mulligan's boyish look alike character wants Jesus to be present when she is getting fucked. While holding onto Traci Lords' hand of God for emphasis. ~ Because in the deleted STEELERS NFL fan scenes, the scarf dude asks his look alike; "Do you believe in Jesus?" Right before the Lord and Savior shots of Jesus' great grandson fucking the film's Carey Mulligan character from behind on my royal iPAD sofa throne at STARBUCKS. Which was just confirmed by that 5.1 sweet 16 earthquake orgasm sign among the Divine Prince of God sex cult islands at: ~ The name 'Car Rey' referring to Chloe's sweet 16 CARRIE remake of a Steve King movie, etc. etc. ~ Therefore, the Barack Obama era prophecy ends with a "NIGGA RICH" promo time-line about the time when a nigger would be put in the White House; and who would start spending all the white people's funny money with a vengeance, like at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ LINKS: This clip of Jude Law fucking a blond teenage Billy Piper was confirmed by the Dutch-boy look alike co-star in ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO, at: ~ AND: ~ Listen for the low budget film TICKER time-line syncretism in the above Jude Law porno. ~ This orgasmic HAWAII 5.0 sign from Mel Gibson's private island region represents the reality tv references to LOST in ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO, at: ~ Could be, Mel gets Hailee, and I get Chloe, in some kind of a prophetic video movie scenario that was post produced at Gibson's new film studios located up in the hills of Malibu. And here is the best part; no taxes on his millions in funny money profits. ~ Nothing. Nulla. Nada. That's the great thing about living in a third world country. Like Costa Rica, Fiji, Panama, or the future post-Obama USA.

Monday, December 10, 2012


"This Sunday" at STARBUCKS' front windows, I sensed for sure that something was up, way up, when some dude in a pirate T-shirt hopped out of his England red 1993 PATHFINDER at the curb; bearing the birth date number of Ms 528... Who I saw later that night getting fucked in the ass while bending over my future King of England sofa throne covered in my future iPAD icons that suddenly appeared in my life back on 7.20, 2010. ~ I mean the scene at 57:... minutes into my ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO inside of Bonnie Lake, Washington's 19461 STARBUCKS location after closing time. Made with a very nice Sienna Miller look alike and shot around her father's Pittsburg, PA area. ~ The porno film's 2008 gay ass monogamy ending being confirmed for sure only hours later by all those monogamist homogaysexuals on the front page of the SEAHAWKS TIMES, and Tacoma's TNT newspaper. ~ No wonder that I like to fuck girls who look like boys. Since it is Traci Lords who role plays yours truly in the prophetic movie; as Divine confirmation of the Lord's Branch Davidian grandson who will be fucking Carey Mulligan when the time has come. ~ When I picked up the above DVD on "This Sunday" at Sienna Miller's PISTOL ANNIE'S pawn shop, the blue & green SEAHAWAKS were beating the red Catholic CARDINALS 58-0 on their big screen in the background. [The nigger producer gives me the money he was going to spend on a new flat-screen tv for his racist wife.] For today's ongoing '58' sign of the upcoming physical transfiguration. ~ Which was just confirmed by the confirmation that a 40ish Ben Afflect will be fucking a 23ish Kristen Stewart in their new FOCUS film production scheduled to start in April. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Nicole Kidman's royal Hollywood Grace Kelly character dies when she drives off a cliff in Monaco, at: ~ Today's Grace Kelly meets Nicole Kidman time-line can be seen in Scarlett Johansson's new Hitchcock movie, at: ~ [Note the physical transfiguration glasses on my GSR/TWN figure in SILENCE OF THE LAMB RIBS.] ~ Traci Lord's full name means that you can trace my royal genealogy line back to the Lord. That's right all you Jews, queers, spicks, and niggers, and you gay ass Christians too. Yours truly is the Grandson of God. Who is the future King of England by birthright. The same one who is going to humble all the gentiles of the world who hate the color white.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


This Sunday, I stopped by PISTOL ANNIE'S in-hock shop and found a used copy of the ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO prophecy; that was as good as new, for only two bucks. ~ Back at the iPAD later, I saw the new 'FI' report by NPR about how the public schools in California are a symbolic metaphor for the illegal federal government in Hollywood, DC at: ~ Here is the one about that Mercer Island Jew boy who was shot in the heart by his Jew boy father at: ~ The only thing more queer than a Jew nigger who hates America, is a Jew nigger who hates Israel. ~ About two weeks ago, a car drove off the steep mini cliff on Old Buckley and Angeline Road, smashing down a couple of evergreen Christmas trees that were wrapped around in blackberry vines that looked like strings of Christmas tree ornaments. ~ Therefore, a stone 4x4 drove by me there on Sunday bearing a full rear window size white 'FOX' decal. Then back at the house later, I saw Jamie Fox hugging the abomination of desolation and bragging about all the white homos he gets to kill in his next Jew boy movie, at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: This latter-day wise virgin birther report about today's Catholic nigger worshipers of the new 666 beast that sits upon the seven hills in ROMA was just confirmed at, ~ AND: ~ Hailee turns sweet 16 on Tuesday. Oh yeah, she is ready for her close-up, per: ~ The very same day that I saw 2005's HOUSE OF WAX prophecy about how everything that looks so solid suddenly does a melt down, the Jewish queers at the NEW YORK TIMES published another propaganda piece about the "solid recovery" of the abomination of desolation in MARK 13:14.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Obviously, I just won the invisible man power-baller jackpot at: ~ AND: ~ You wanna hit that? You better start acting like a real man. Because, "IT'S MILLER TIME!!" ~ Wherein Sienna ends up looking like Bonnie Lake's Pistol Annie sign at the Niagara Falls ending to CAMILLE. ~ Hence, my Arizona jackpot fucker in Scottsdale kept his winning lottery ticket tucked in that three-way format front seat sun-visor scene in KS' Jack London movie due out in California on 12.21. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: On the Sabbath eve of Hanukkah, a 15ish babe told me in her best sexy doll voice, "This Sunday!" at 11:05 pm.

Friday, December 7, 2012


In the original 2000 CHARLIE'S ANGELS prophecy, the Barack Obama 'Thin Man' assassin plays a game of chicken with the red, white, and blue Republicans on that same high cliff bridge in Long Beach where the director of TOP GUN jumped to his death. Him driving a red capitalist logo INDIE 500 car, and all that shit. ~ Nicole Kidman got married to her next shortie hubby inside the great and abominable church of the devil, located on a cliff above the sea in Australia. ~ CHARLIE'S ANGELS 2000 comes to a climax at a castle located above a cliff in California. ~ The Thin Man's race car with a red star was black. ~ Some of my best memories are fishing for native rainbow trout on Crooked Lake at Cliff Eagle's Lincoln log cabin compound in British Columbia's caribou country. ~ The last time I was in Vancouver, I shared a double kingsize bed suite at the FOUR SEASONS on New Years Eve with Teri Kornblum/Rutherford and Ken and Susan. But I was too gay back then too even have the balls to make a righteous FFing missionary effort out of it. ~ I promise you. The next time that I AM is up there fucking Evangeline Lilly and Ellen Page at the same time, I will make it up to you. ~ GSR/TWN ~ CLIFF NOTES: 73% of all the new jobs in the past five months involve 666 union mattress-stuffing, according to: [Virtually every union job in America is a state sponsored government job in real terms.] ~ For all practical purposes, Barack Obama is no longer the president of Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Alabama, Montana, or Texas et al, just for starters, at: ~ For example, if you are not even a US citizen, you may not engage in arms reduction talks with Russia, and so on; on behalf of the legit citizens of America. It just ain't gonna happen. Sorry about that. ~ In SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, all the James Spader types in Hollywood make fun of me crying about my stewed peaches getting cold. But then a rather young looking yours truly ends up in the Bahamas hanging out at Catherine Zeta-Jones' estate.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Some of my best friends are Jessica Alba style half-breed darkies, like at: ~ So I'm not racist or anything, just because I believe that half Jewish white people are better than half Jewish niggers. ~ Have you ever seen a more beautiful pair of freaky Latina blue eyes than the ones on the tall blond Cameron Diaz? ~ Watch this and get back to me, at: ~ I have not seen the movie, that looks like some kind of a GSR/TWN mind-fuck, but Keira Knightley has just arrived in LA again, so there could be some new clarifications in the works. Keep in mind, Hollywood is now making a major look alike movie about when Buffalo Bill meets Michael Douglas, after they both voted for the day 1290 abomination of desolation at: ~ Just because you love the new 666 church of the devil, it does not mean that the same great and abominable church in the BOOK OF MORMON is going to love you back. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: That pirate eye patch on Anderson Cooper inspired DeMint to finally walk away from it all. For a sign about the new gold mine minted coins that will be used by the break-away states in REV.16. After the two witnesses' earthquake of course. ~ Speaking of fuck buddy darkies, check out this hilarious cartoon about the Chinese general from Chinatown, USA, who has already laid the groundwork for the illegal alien invasion of California, at: ~ They claim that sarin gas burns the eyes. ~ Today's red capitalist Chinese third-wayers are the ancient descendants who originally migrated from the northern regions of gog magog in EZE.38. ~ The best way to cop out of today's unconstitutional federal reserve debt is to declare that only minted gold and silver coins will be accepted by your respective state governments. This is the only way that you are going to be able to destroy the NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, and NBC et al. Not to mention apostate Christianity.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Anderson Cooper was blinded by the light in Portugal in confirmation of the eye doctor who is now loading sarin gas into his jet fighter planes and pickup truck rocket launchers. ~ One may recall, this is the Cameron Diaz prophecy about today's Hollywood Jews jumping off some church side cliff in the future bankrupt country of Portugal, meets California, at: ~ AND: ~ Talk about, "Jump'n Jack flash, it's a gas gas gas..." at: ~ Last night, I had a gas watching 1964's BIKINI BEACH prophecy about today's teen babes who were compared to the future abomination of desolation in a PLANET OF THE APES mask. ~ Who is owned by some rich California Jew landlord who runs a chain of Social Security funded retirement homes for old FDR supporters of the new 666 beast. ~ GSR/TWA ~ NOTES: Sienna Miller's husband kisses her on the forehead in CAMILLE, after he realizes that she is dead. Whereupon she says, "That was a handshake, not a kiss." ~ The polarizing POLAROID camera in CAMILLE was the same one that I saw in my Jennifer Garner dream about, " fall..." ~ In CAMILLE, Sienna's new Niagara Falls husband buys her a load of Santa Claus presents with Barack Obama's stolen ID credit card, at: ~ When the deputy in CAMILLE sees that her new husband has been fucking her stained dead body at the fancy G HOTEL, he calls him a "...sick bastard!" ~ My royal 'Potato Bugger' king forerunner in BIKINI BEACH, Malibu, CA, plays a double guitar shaft-boner three-way instrument that all the teenage bikini babes love. Who actually look like they are around the same 90210 age as Annalynne McCord or Emma Stone. Not to mention his sexy Austin Powers scar/f and Harry Potter glasses. ~ Hundreds of darkies died in a typhoon that slammed into the 1776 Chocolate Hills of the Philippines on the same day THE DARK KNIGHT RISES came out on DVD, etc. ~

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Sienna Miller's Camille [Jodie] Foster bride in CAMILLE has to die and go to heaven before she will let her husband fuck her body, BRIDE OF CHUCKY style, per: ~ Based upon the above Levite redhead wig from VANILLA SKY that is the invisible film's physical transfiguration give-away. ~ Plus, the 2008 invisible indie film features David Carradine as the King of the Cowboys who eventually gets to fuck both Sienna Miller and Keira Knightley at the same time, "...over my dead body." ~ Hence, most of THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS was filmed around Sienna's adopted home town of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 6-5000. ~ [Vampires only fuck their women after they have sucked them to death.] - Kind of like when THE CHIEFS' Belcher no.59 blew his much younger girlfriend's brains out, and was starting to kiss her before he was going to fuck her brains out again; but then her Hillary Clinton like REV.17 monster mother burst into the bedroom, all grossed out and everything. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: James Spader is my old Ken Keisler look alike friend from Seattle at the Christmas season ending to SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. [Bill's surname alias was also a 'Friend' in the 1991 GSR/TWA newsletter prophecy.] ~ Note to Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck; Communism never follows socialism. On the contrary, Jewish Communism is always followed by Jewish socialism, which is always followed by Jewish fascism. Which in real terms is Jewish liberalism, i.e. the Democrat Party. Which is now leading the old white men's Republican Party of the Jewish Abraham Lincoln around by the nose, like a dumb elephant in some zoo in Seattle, Washington. [Think Lake Washington's Jewish Mercer Island paradise.] ~ My brilliant half Jewish Dr Lecter figure explains how today's born again birth certificate leader from Asia's Chinatown, Chicago... "Wants to be reborn... And he will be reborn..." and that, "Our Billy [Carter] hates his own [fake] identity." in the deleted scene extras on my extremely marred copy of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS DVD. ~ In the deleted scenes of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, we see Bullalo Bill sewing together a pigskin football in his basement lair. ~ According to THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE, apostate Christians like Billy Carter will hate their own Israelite roots in the last days. Just like most of today's gay ass apostate Mormons in SLC, Utah.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Almost every one of my wives is going to have to die and be born again before I can fuck their bodies. ~ For example, Dr Lecter gives Jodie Foster's LL forerunner a stack of my TWN sheets, and then we cut to her returning to Washington County, Vermont on a TWA jet. And then we see her walking through the Ronald Reagan airport right next to yours truly, circa 1990, and Granny Grass on the other side of her. ~ Next, we see the prophetic film's Will Ferrell look alike cop getting his brains beat out of his skull. ~ As comfirmed by those Japs who just suddenly died in that underground tunnel of murder in HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES. ~ Ergo, Buffalo Bill wears a Japanese volcano jacket when he kidnaps the Miley Cyrus look alike who lives alone with her pets. ~ For that "death mask" moth from Asia who eventually invades the shores of California looking for a cute wife to sire. ~ Which is why the movie's Warren Jeffs look alike tells her that her "fullness of the father" in D&C 76 is so proud of her when they consummate the Masonic templre handshake at the end. ~ This being the Christmas holidays season ending of the above movie that happens on Bimini Island. [Think anthrax Island.] ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: This is Buffalo Bill at: ~ This is the area where they shot most of THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, at: ~ This is the image about Dr Lecter fingering Jodie Foster when he gives her a stack of my GSR/TWN case file reports, at:

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I always had ADOLF'S amazing lamb ribs at his golf course restaurant on the green every time I attended the winter wonderland Sundance Film Festival Olympics during the WWIII Reagan Revolution in the 1980s. Therefore, I watched THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS Sunday morning, and then Sunday afternoon, I saw those new picks of Buffalo Bill and Barack Insane Obama on a golf course in Washington, County, DC, or wherever. See what I mean at: ~ Here are the film's Michigan Mitt map time codes at, 1:26, and 1:44, on my scratched up used DVD I found at Bonney Lake's new PISTOL ANNIE's landmark confirmation of the BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID prophecy. [Who both were gunned down by those LAmanites in Kenny Kemp's Bolivia.] ~ THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS ends with yours truly, circa 2012, walking down the streets of some African American tropical island paradise. ~ [Think Anthrax Island.] Right after Ms no.19 is reminded, "Don't forget your phone call." Regarding her temple handshake close-up with the Oscar movie's prophetic Warren Jeffs look alike who is now being held in a high security prison in Texas. ~ GSR/TWN ~ THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS' instant camera POLAROIDS taken in West Virginia were about my POLAROID camera repair dream co-starring Jennifer Gar/ner. Taken right after the GRIEG FUNERAL HOME scene. [Greg spelled with an 'i' of course.] ~ When we first see Dr Lecter transferred to Megan Fox's Tennessee, he is wearing her B 5160-8' born again birthday girl number. ~ The FBI boss in SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, who looks exactly like Warren Jeffs, is called "the guru" by that same black woman from Obama's Colorado. Who had called the sheriff down in Texas and said all those lies about the abomination of desolation who was supposedly desecrating the FLDS temple. ~ Jodie Foster looks and sounds like the bisexual Lindsay Lohan in THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. ~ Here is the tanker train wreck in the opening shots of HOUSE OF 10,000 CORPSES, at: ~ The transsexual Buffalo Bill [Clinton] Nazi forerunner in THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS has a cool prison tattoo on his Adam's rib. Liberalism is the new black [shirt] Nazism. I.e. the word nigger means Nazi. Not the other way around. ~ The medicine wheel Indian chief's Mr Belcher wore '59' in confirmation of my "May 9 is the cutting time..." revelation. ~ Buffalo Bill Clinton is a prophetic transsexual figure in the modern day Sodom and Egypt of Memphis, Tenn etc. in the sense that both Bill and Hilary are basically the same person. Not to mention the gory movie's Al Gore themes. [Think LOVE STORY was actually based on Mitt Romney's BRIDE OF CHUCKY college romance prophecy. Wherein he would eventually reject the new third way RLDS politics of his wealthy polite society father.] ~ Check out this amazing WILLIS TOWER, Chicago look alike in DIE HARD meets whatever, at:

Saturday, December 1, 2012


When the Russians invaded Berlin at the end of WWII, it was a prophecy about today's new democratic fascist liberals at MSNBC et al, who are now hysterically in suicide mode. In confirmation of that big buck nigger named Belcher killing himself in front of his liberal media coaches, at: ~ For a double-down confirmation of that white zombie at MSNBC who suddenly "died" on air when he started to belch uncontrollably, at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Here is the latest proof that today's crazy professor Jerry Lewis media is committing suicide at: ~ Southern Florida is now infested with old dying FDR era Jews from New York. ~ Ergo, a bus load of Old Testament oriented JWs crashed in Florida too, at: ~ One of the main reasons why the obviously superior white man from Michigan lost the 2012 election, was because the good folks at the Kingdom Halls across America think that the political Kingdom of God at etc. is a thing of naught. See:

Friday, November 30, 2012

JUST WALK AWAY RENEE ~ No one ever taught Renee Zellweger what was really going on in Austin, Texas. Therefore, according to the laws of Israel, she will not be held accountable. I.e. Renee is not responsible for the fiscal deceit that was behind the new born again 666ism that she was brainwashed with at the same time she was doing all those Colorado COORS beer commercials for Barack Obama, circa 2008. ~ Because in the WHITE HOUSE OF 1000 [press] CORPSES prophecy, the masked white-face killer clown at the gas station of desolation talks like a southern Negro. ~ [Who loves fried chicken and eating pussy] ~ The above WHITE ZOMBIE movie scenes about the foolish five virgins who are restrained on a bed and raped, was just confirmed by the new white temple of horrors pix out of Texas, at: ~ Per the above movie's remote farm temple-master of ceremonies who looks like Warren Jeffs. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Dr Satan's underground Obamacare hospital in the above horror film is a 666 technology torture chamber. ~ Most people do not understand that the Civil War actually started in Washington, DC, like at: ~ In the opening sequence to WHITE HOUSE OF 1000 PRESS CORPSES, some guy has a PLANET OF THE APES action figure doll stuck up his ass, and has to be taken to the hospital. Then a masked African American ape like Barack Obama comes into the gas station museum that represents America's small businessmen, and tries to rob them. 2000's white zombie horror movie ends with a shot of a Hwy.50 sign that represents the 50th state of the union, Hawaii. ~ The other big mega dittos lottery tick\et was purchased by some invisible winner in Emma Stone's home town of Scottsdale, Arizona; who was born on November 6th in 1988. Think Scarlett Johansson's lucky Iron Mountain hairdo on Letterman, etc. etc. ~ Friday morning at 8:10 am, Kristen Stewart let me know in a flash vision that her current boyfriend was just an FFing missionary position thing, Roma style. And the time will come soon when she will be able to walk away from it, like I saw her at:

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Wandering back slowly Thursday, concerned about my older brother who instinctively hates today's new 666 doctors, and who now have his Olympics fever body of Christ laying on top of that amazing TITANIC iceberg, I stepped into PISTOL ANNIE'S pawn shop. ~ Where I found a very old scratched up DVD copy of 2000's HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES; by Rob Zombie, at: ~ [Understandably, the doctors put my brother on zombie medication because he was acting so crazy.] ~ Anyway, I do not recall ever seeing a Rob Zombie movie before. But on the back of it's plastic DVD case, there were pictures of a killer clown, and the movie's key anti-hero character named "Doctor Satan". ~ Plus, Kevin Thomas at the LAMANITE LA TIMES said that it was, "A work of demonic brilliance!" ~ Furthermore, the satanic clown on the back was a dead ringer for my long lost buddy, Nyle Smith. Who I had just learned the day before, had died back on the eve of the two witnesses' 1.12 birth date. And nobody ever told me about it, because they do not want anybody out there to know that some of today's 12 apostles in the D&C 86 church had actually voted for the day 1290 abomination of desolation. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Hemingway's MEN WITHOUT WOMEN was a White Horse Prophecy about the desperate yellow skin Chinamen bachelors who eventually invade Chinatown, San Francisco, California. Not only to collect on the billions of mob loans that the shady liberal Jews had made with them, and now can't repay because their right-wing Ephraimite kin got wise to what was going on, but because they too needed to find a beautiful "California girl" wife. Who can blame them? ~ Orson Welles made a movie in 1947 about the desperate men from China who would end up invading the legendary theme parks of Hotel California, at: ~ Alabama's Senator Sessions is a prophetic secession forerunner, per:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Even I was surprised when God impressed me to watch THE WEREWOLF OF WASHINGTON prophecy made in 1972-1973 Wednesday morning, for the third time in ten years. And then later in the day, I read that Mitt Romney will be meeting with the illegal alien abomination of desolation in the new Greek Olympics White House on Thursday. And then I found this inspired page on some devil worshipers' web site, which oddly enough depicts a Mitt Romney Warholish caricature who looks a lot like that possessed mainstream media werewolf devil in the same Andy Warhol era movie, at: ~ This is the amazing low budget indie film wherein Mitt Romney tells his BRIDE OF CHUCKY look alike wife in the kitchen that, "I think your father is a cross between Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ." ~ Both of whom were Jewish of course. In the same sense that the movie's Ted Turner look alike represents the Jewish genealogy roots of Ted Turner and David Letterman et al. ~ Therefore the half Jew weirdo who is president in THE WEREWOLF OF WASHINGTON decides to go ahead and use nukes on the same Muslim idiots who had secretly believed in their heart of hearts that he was their own private 12 Iman's sidekick in Johnny Depp's new Texas LONE RANGER movie. I.e. the only real government repentance will come when Texas secedes from the new Sodom and Egypt in REV.11. ~ You will never be able to stop the Jews, queers, spicks, and niggers, in Washington, DC, unless you put a silver [925] bullit of Israel into your pistol. ~ Here's what I'm talking about, at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ LINK NOTES: Five family members died in Mitt Romney's Republic, Ohio landmark for the five foolish virgins prophecy in MATTHEW 25, per: ~ "You mess with the [Texas] bull, you get the horns..." [SOME KIND OF WONDEFUL's double 5 dice gamers scene.] ~ Forget about trying to keep up with today's abominable national debt. Which you did not agree to in the first place. When you leave the illegitimate government of Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, and FDR, you will be leaving all of that behind and moving forward. Then China Town's red Chinese will come to the shores of California to collect on their long overdue rent. Thereby returning the favor for all of them having voted for your LAmanite red skin enemies in the BOOK OF MORMON.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Synchronization is a major theme in the ten year-old prophecy entitled TICKER. ~ For example; an old photo of the strange iceberg, with a traditional image of the horned devil on top of it, was just published at: ~ Then the very next day, images appeared on the Internet of that she devil tattoo [ram] on the "arm of flesh" of the outspoken homosexual pop singer Adam Lambert, like at: ~ Turns out the gas vapor bomb that exploded in Springfield, Mass on Miley Cyrus' 20th [SCORES] birthday, on the 23rd, was caused by a worker who had rammed a probe into a pipe hole. ~ After the MC look alike dies in TICKER's 'HAPPY HOUR' bar explosion, an 'FMC' fire engine arrives and stops next to that no.423 cop car. [At 29:.. minutes on my DVD.] ~ Mel Gibson's character in CONSPIRACY THEORY has the words "SUDDEN DEATH" underneath his White Horse Prophecy mural. ~ The prophetic Barack Obama mulatto baby at the end of BOOGIE NIGHTS has "Olympics fever", says his white mother at the swimming pool scene. ~ At the swinging "drivers seat..." party in BN, the mulatto baby's father 'Buck' is dressed like the Donald Young choir director who got murdered on 12.23 because he would not stop bragging about his gay relationship with Obama. ~ Did you hear the one about the REV.17 rhino mother who got shot near Sun City, South Africa? It happened inside the Finfoot Game Reserve, at: ~ The above devil signs and wonders occurred INSYNC with the warnings about Satan from that kid on TWO AND A HALF MEN [witnesses], at: ~ The synchronized Irish bomber in TICKER keeps saying, "Your time's up!" Played in 2002 by one of Hollywood's rare Republican actors. Who in this particular roll looks very much like the goatee face with horns on the above iceberg. ~ GSR/TWN

Monday, November 26, 2012


That CAN'T HARDLY WAIT look alike dude who drives the 1971 Caddy at the horse corral along Church Lake Road, is named 'Caleb'. Which is a Biblical name that means 'he who speaks the truth'. Ergo, Mel Gibson switches over to the very same early 70s Caddy in his CONSPIRACY THEORY assassination prophecy in confirmation of my own private FFing missionary work in ROMA, circa 1971-1973. ~ I.e. Caleb has a bullseye tattoo on his left forearm that says, "BORN TO KILL". [His exgirlfriend from Auburn talked him into it one night when he was stoned out of his mind, like the brainwashed protagonist in CONSPIRACY THEORY meets GET THE GRINGO.] ~ In the CONSPIRACY THEORY prophecy, Mel's half Jew hero reveals to Julia Roberts that the billionaire [Donald Trump] was intentionally drowned out at the 7th street subway station flood, [Think Sandy flood.] by the constant ridicule and propaganda from today's corrupt high society Jews, queers, and niggrrs; who are now protecting the day 1290 abomination of desolation. ~ Wherein the film's Alice in Wonderland figure tells her very polite Newt Gingrich look alike boss that, "We don't know who Dr Jonas [bone us] is..." Because no one at the FBI has ever been allowed to see his genuine African American born again Christian birth records that are definitely on file in Hawaii. ~ Even to this day, Newt Gingrich is still paraphrasing his look alike forerunner in CONSPIRACY THEORY who says, "I know not to ask questions..." ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS MEL: I think somebody likes you, at: ~ And so do her roommates. ~ [Mel respected Britney when he took her down to his horse ranch in Costa Rica.]

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Mel's inspired White Horse Prophecy movie called, CONSPIRACY THEORY, was about the assassination of the corrupt judges who are surrounding Barack Obama, at: ~ In other words, if you purchase a 10,000 square foot mansion complex up in the hills of Malibu, or LA, or wherever, you are going to be asked to fill the place up like a Saturday night at the CHATEAUX MARMOT. ~ You think that God gave you some 100 M just so that you could buy that British mansion in THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW for no reason? ~ What, are you nuts or something? ~ Oh that's right, you voted for that illegal alien from outer space in the MY FAVORITE MARTIAN prophecy. Because of your addiction to BEN&JERRY's chocolate ice-cream from Vermont. ~ Figure Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Anniston, and Oprah Winfrey having around a dozen sex slave concubine wife roommates each. The mathematical 3D combinations are mind boggling. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Even Barbara Streisand has her own private HOTEL CALIFORNIA meets THE WAY WE WERE, at: ~ AND: ~ TWO WEEKS NOTICE was ultimately about the restoration and preservation of the beach Houses of Israel that were ravished by the Sandy storm, at: ~ PS HUGH GRANT: I'll give you Sandy if you give me Lizzie, or the other way around; whatever floats your boat. ~ Uhmm... why worry about new taxes when there will be no more IRS web of deceit to worry about? Per: ~ All things concidered, the biggest latter-day fuck fest in all of Hollywood will probably go down at Miley Cyrus's mansion.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Sandra Bullock will continue to think that the crazy idea of her setting up an English Tudor bed & breakfast retreat for younger less-wealthy Hollywood stars, [That would even rival today's swinging CHATEAUX MARMOT scene.] at her Branch Davidian PLAYBOY mansion complex in the hills, will be her next big surprise when she hears from Carey Mulligan and Sienna Miller, meets Annalynne McCord and Ellen Page. ~ Considering the fact that most of these very semi-successful actresses will probably maintain some kind of a permanent address in the places where they originally came from. Thereby avoiding any additional 4.15 tax liabilities from those two pirates in MISS CONGENIALITY 2 and STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. ~ Remember, BOOGIE NIGHTS is a prophecy. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: In the original MISS CONGENIALITY prophecy, the future British King of England is the one who is hired by the FBI to engage Sandy in the physical transfiguration process, whether she likes it or not.


I heard about the giant explosion at SCORES strip club in Romney's Springfield, Massachusetts on the 10:00 pm CBS radio news. And since Miley Cyrus turned 20 [score] on the same day, I decided to watch one of the other movies in my QUICKSAND 4-film DVD pack, entitled TICKER. Wherein I saw the plot's Miley Cyrus look alike babe get blown up at the HAPPY HOUR tavern in San Francisco. Then the video cuts to a no.423 cop car for Ms Montana's 20th birthday on the 23rd of November, 2012. TICKER comes to a bomb plot climax in the third act at City Hall, which looks very much like the nation's Capitol in Washington, DC. After having started out in the first act with a false Hawaiian hula doll bomb in the trunk of a limo. ~ The mighty line that is repeated in 2001's TICKER prophecy goes, "Your time is up." ~ Ironically, the mad Israelite Irishman bomber, played by the late Dennis Hopper, used to work as a freelance bomber for Ronald Reagan back in the 80s. ~ The first time I went into Bonney Lake's new PISTOL ANNIE'S pawn shop, a couple weeks ago, I asked them if they had an old SPRINGFIELD semi-auto in their collection of old .22 rifles. ~ Springfield is located along the Conn. River; off the 2BC 91 landmarks that are highlighted by I-91. ~ According to reports, the gigantic natural gas explosion [Think fart bomb.] went off at the exact time when I was watching wild Canadian geese flying north through the rear window of STARBUCKS. In confirmation of the amazing suitcase bomb prophecy in Hitchcock's REAR WINDOW masterpiece of suspense. According to the film's wiki page, the 2011 director's cut is set in Chicago, not San Francisco, per: ~ This local link from THE REPUBLICAN newspaper has some interesting photos, at: ~ The roof top mega-bomb at the end of TICKER is a fuel gas vapor bomb. ~ GSR/TWN

Friday, November 23, 2012


The 1980s' Ronald Reagan Revolution was manifested in the same period's movies that were made in Hollywood, USA and Thatcher's post Alma Hitchcock London, England. Ergo, both Jennifer Aniston's father and Kate Hudson's mother voted for the prophetically unthinkable concept of a central government that was less Barack Obama and more Mitt Romney. ~ In other words, not everyone in la la land is all that comfortable with the fashionable think that today's new 666 niggers are the new black. ~ And believe me you, nobody knows how to stab a nigger in the back like my secret half Jew sidekick friends do in the Hollywood STAR MAPS prophecy. ~ Think CABLE GUY meets I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS; right in your own back yard, or in your own private Hawaii condo's hallway. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Last night, I saw Jennifer Anniston getting raped in another invisible direct-to-video indie film called QUICKSAND; at 1:14... minutes into the DVD. Hence all those inspired S&M fake images of her at . ~ You support the spiritual and political rape of the 15ish virgin daughters of Israel, you get raped too, big fat Greek wedding style, per: ~ The invisible majority of white people who still believe in the Reagan Revolution of the 1980s are about to rip you a new asshole.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


A bus load of dirty Mexican Lamanite mormons who voted for Obama got rammed by a pickup on I-10 in Casa Grande Arizona. ~ Mr Macho is now brain dead. [Think Michelle Rodriguez in her GIRL FIGHT break out New Jersey movie.] ~ Dozens got hit in the face by an 80 car pileup on I-10 east of BLACK ELK ENERGY Houston. ~ A guy in the box seats puked on the audience who was watching the latest Broadway parody of yours truly. ~ The LA TIMES is still publishing stories about Obama being born in Hawaii. Which begs the question; What else are they lying to you about? ~ Is there really no difference in the world between Caucasians and Negros? Not to mention the white Jews and the white Ephraimites? Are you really that naive and simple minded? ~ Scarlett wore the same pair of diamond stud earrings of Judah and Ephraim on Letterman that were featured in the SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL prophecy. ~ Last night I dreamed that Adriana Lima wanted to kill me. ~ I also dreamed last night that the much younger Miranda Kerr had a thing for me. And that she was starting to get tired of her gay ass fake husband. ~ GSR/TWN

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


BOOGIE NIGHTS was a prophecy about all those fabulous homes up in the canyons; now owned by Jennifer Anniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Sandra Bullock, etc. etc. circa 2012. Wherein my three-way co-stars like Heather Graham and Lindsay Lohan have their own private bedrooms. And yours truly is fucking some producer dude's wife right in the middle of the driveway, for everybody to see, while all of my vicarious GSR/TWN readers are just standing around and watching me. ~ Ergo, Sandy's original MISS CONGENIALITY prophecy was addressed to, "The blissfully ignorant..." who still believe that Barack Obama is the film's mysterious natural born citizen president of the MISS UNITED STATES beauty pageant that takes place at the Alamo prophecy about the invasion of I-35 Israel by today's niggers and spicks in EZE.38 who hate white people. ~ Per the inspired MC headlines from the LAKE CITY JOURNAL [of Chicago] about the bad citizenship birth certificate that the NYT published on their front page without doing any fact checking. ~ Hence, all the 2000 movie's transsexual Negro figures who work at the FBI, and at those new Las Vegas family values strip clubs. ~ GSR/TWN ~ CLUES: Gracie Hart's MISS NEW JERSEY shouts "JESUS CHRIST!!" after she bites into her Jewish bagel vagina hole icon with cream cheese. Played by the actress who was named after the Sandy storm that bitch slapped New Jersey. ~ That BLACK ELK ENERGY explosion in the Gulf of Mexico in GET THE GRINGO meets MAD MAX was about today's day 1290 middle east situation; "...he's a total buck!" says the 15 year-old Chloe Moretz sister in SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL. ~ The 5.9 earthquake near San Antonio, Chile at 6:36 was about today's 666 illegal darkies who support the new 666 beast at the ALAMODOME in San Antonio, Texas meets Washington, DC in MISS CONGENIALITY, circa 2012, at: ~ In the natural born citizen prophecy entitled NATURAL BORN KILLERS, my Ravenna Park Seattle protagonist writes love letters to my future wives on his Chicago, Illinois prison letterhead that depicts your typical NBA basketball sports arena. [The angled roof lines actually look like the STAPLES CENTER in LA at street number 111.] ~ "The Bad Citizen" who mails in those scary letters in MISS CONGENIALITY claims to be from the Miley Montana show prophecies; like MONTANA, and A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT meets THE HORSE WHISPERER's WHITE HORSE PROPHECY movie about my [red horse] lucky horseshoe wives like Scarlett Johansson. ~ THIS JUST IN: I just now tuned into FOX radio news [at 6:00 PM PST] and heard the excited lady say nothing about that no.90 bus which was just bombed in Tel Aviv. Even though it had a large advertisement of her own feminist image on the side of it. And of course, no mention about Barack Obama using a confirmed stolen social security number, and all that bad citizenship shit that we clearly see in the MISS CONGENIALLY prophecy; about some crazy bitch who wants to bomb the fake Statue of Liberty in San Antonio, Texas.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The best white wine grapes are harvested late in the season. Because their sweet and yellowy golden honey nectar juice is much more moldy and musty by then; and therefore also more interesting and complex on the tongue. ~ [There is nothing like a cheap priced late harvest German gert with a non-aged Swiss cheese. But don't over do it, or you will get a headache from too much sugar in the glass.] ~ Like they say, never drink and drive; i.e. always fuck before dinner, not after. ~ GSR/TWN ~ CLUES: The prophetic Emma Watson cutie in SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL jokes about snow skiing and doing your IRS taxes at the same time; because she was born on 4.15 and loves to snow ski in the Swiss Alps. The French restaurant in the background is confirmation of her Paris, France birth place. ~ I hardly ever listen to anybody anymore who doesn't talk about Obama's birth certificate forgery. No wonder that I AM is much more interested in girls right now, rather than going back to college and studying business, or whatever, like my prophetic protagonist in SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL. You don't interest me anymore if you do not talk about what interests me. In much the same way when I lost interest in the RLDS church when they started to give the priesthood to the sons of Ham from Egypt, etc. during the swinging 70s. And they refused to show us the written spoken word "revelation" about it. Just like Obama et al refuse to show us his birth certificate.

Monday, November 19, 2012


MISS CONGENIALITY 2: ARMED AND FABULOUS is about the Steele brothers pirates at the NYT et al calling for the theft of the assets of Sandra Bullock et al. So don't be surprised when she turns on you when Senator Reid's new 666 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN ship starts sinking in Las Vegas. While the fireworks in that prophetic Katy Perry song are going off all over the movie's satirical "world peace" ending. In order to save her Chloe Moretz look alike virgin sister who was being held captive by that same Jesse James outlaw that we see on the wall when Sandy tells the fake limo company president that she just broke up with her fake husband; in the DVD's hidden deleted scenes extras. [The fake limo company president-owner is a half Jew actor of course.] ~ MISS CONGENIALITY 2: ARMED AND FABULOUS ends with a vanilla sky sunset over the above-line credits. Signaling the end of Senator Reid's apostate mormon half Jew world peace politics that were born again in the 19666s. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Here's the one about Jennifer Aniston's own private prophecy entitled MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING, at: ~ [Her soap opera star father also owned a Greek restaurant. Where she worked as a hostess and waitress during her high school years in NYC.] ~ The traditional orthodox Bible fathers in MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING expect their daughters to start thinking about having sex with their husbands once they turn 15. ~ Here's the one that explains why half of Israel is about to be destroyed by the Antichrist in REV.17 who hates the apostate anti-christs in Dallas, Texas, at: ~ MISS CONGENIALITY 2: ARMED AND FABULOUS, opens with a shot of the FBI headquarters in NYC that is fronted by the desecrated [day 1290] Greek temple pillars of the just elected Greek president of the Jews in George Albert Smith's WW III vision. [Today's Texas prison prophet, who loves to fuck his 15 year-old wives, was arrested on I-15 while leaving Las Vegas.] [Reportedly, he was in the back seat of an SUV with two of his wives, eating a take-out salad tossing with creamy ranch dressing, when they got pulled over by the feds; I kid you not.] ~ And this one is about Sandy's future 2012 sidekick nigger in the above prophecy who likes to beat up old white folks, at:

Sunday, November 18, 2012


MISS CONGENIALITY 2: ARMED AND FABULOUS, starts out with today's Sandra Bullock who has completely sold out to the secret service FBI bodyguards of Barack Obama. Who are now making sure that nobody gets even close enough to touch his original born again birth records that are on file in Hawaii. ~ Sandy is named Gracie in her two prophetic transsexual beauty queen FBI movies because you are only saved by the grace of Jesus in my own private movie about today's BB king leader of Israel who was once a three-way furniture store salesman like me, at: ~ In confirmation of that Texas prison prophet, who loves to fuck teenagers, who recently received some kind of a revelation about me experiencing some kind of a big "uplifting" boner event by "...the end of the year." [The blue and gray backpacks in the dumb turnip truck prophet revelation are a color theme reference to the first war between the states.] ~ So now comes the "sexy time" that my Jewish London filmmaker has been talking about for the past ten years. ~ When you see a decent white man from Michigan, named Mitt, lose big time to the abomination of desolation, then you will know that it is time for the Michigan mitt prophecy. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Turns out that Katy Perry's sexy time fireworks song was also about the explosions in the sky when one of Israel's anti-missiles hits another antichrist missile from the false prophet's anti apostate Christians. [The other surprise that Hamas has are the shoulder-fire rockets that were given to them when Obama bombed Libya. Which are useless against F-16s, but perfect for 747s.] ~ Therefore, we see that SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL's prophetic hero has a Crescent Moon on his bedroom door, and Egyptian crucifix icons on his wall in the background, after his 15ish sister delivers her warning to him at 48:47 on my DVD. Where we see a strange masked Obama figure in the same [frame up] shot. ~ Keith's father named 'Cliff' is obsessed by their finances for today's fiscal cliff time-lime, circa 2012. Wherein he goes "ape shit" like the African born Barack Obama, and the leader of France too, who both think that they can kill the goose who is laying the golden eggs, and that will solve their democratic socialist spendthrift problems. [Think Greek president.] ~ Note that Hardy is smooching some blond Sienna Miller babe when Keith arrives at Sandy's British Tudor mansion with Kristen Stewart, who has a problem with smiling. ~ The two white men of Judah and Ephraim just killed a white monkey in Idaho, per: ~ Here's the one about those Beverly Hills frat house guys dying in a plane crash in Senator Snow's state of Maine at: ~ Rachel Nichols being from Maine originally, and all those cold hearted [MARK 13:14] winter Christmas theme signs and omens and warnings, etc. ~ This one is about those desert rednecks who get it at the opening of Oliver Stone's natural born citizen killers movie, who make the 666 ROAD RUNNER's 'beep beep' sounds. Note the 1994 movie's White Horse Prophecy portrait of the Lamanite's wife inside of his medicine wheel mud hut. In confirmation of all those dumb shit white folks who would have voted for Obama, if they had not died in that new age guru's sweat lodge in Arizona. See:

Saturday, November 17, 2012


My DVD copy of SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL starts out with a 90th anniversary tribute to the film's two forerunners who were both born in 90, i.e. Kristen Stewart and Emma Watson. ~ SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL opens with the African war drums that are now sounding in the MARK 13:14 prophecy about the abomination of desolation in the Casablanca. ~ Wherein the film's prophetic figure named Watts sports the same short haircut that Emma Watson had when she cancelled her plans to attend college at Brown. Per the Greek Frat house time-line in the ANIMAL HOUSE prophecy, when that well known Greek homosexual would be illegally elected in 2012. And SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL's hero would have a Greek column poster in his bedroom. ~ Then we see the "...kiss that kills..." under the black 1960s MUSTANG. ~ Therefore, everything about SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL is about Keith fucking Amanda and Watts in a double stud diamond earrings three-way that comes to a climax at Sandy's new British Tudor Branch Davidian compound up in the hills. Where we see Scarface's bulletproof sterling German 928 parked in her driveway. ~ [Watts's Miley Cyrus look alike teen babe has two 3-way ID dog tags hanging down between her tits.] ~ Emma Watson's forerunner named Watts in SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL is always holding onto the two drumb sticks of Judah and Ephraim. Even in the HOLLYWOOD BOWL scene where she is sitting in the wallflower girl's official seat no.7. ~ SOMEKIND OF WONDERFUL ends with the Irish folk music of the lost tribes of Israel, playing along the streets of the seven hills beast in Beverly Hills. ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS/NOTES/LINKS: Chloe Moretz appeared in the same outfit that Keith's 15ish virgin sister is wearing at 1:06:40 minutes into my DVD copy of SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL, at: ~ The above [political] party finale set-up at Sandy's Branch Davidian compound was about my confused disloyal wife trying to pound me by marrying that jerk Jesse James; and making all those ridiculous racist CRASH movies.

Friday, November 16, 2012


1987's SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL prophecy was about me fucking Kristen Stewart and Emma Watson at the same time, per this 14:49 time-stamped link at: ~ Think SHE'S HAVING A BABY in Chicago meets PRETTY IN PINK meets SIXTEEN CANDLES meets THE BREAKFAST CLUB. ~ Hence, MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING takes place in Chicago, but was filmed in Neve Campbell's snowy Toronto; i.e. "I look like [The abominable] snow beast." says my thicker Greek Orthodox Jewish wife in the above 2002 HBO movie. ~ No wonder that right now, I AM is much more attracted to teenagers, who have tight little butts and firm tits. And if they are in their 20s and look like teenager boys, then that is the bonus I get for putting up with all of you over-the-hill feminist bitches who have been stuffing your faces with chocolate SNICKERS bars for the past ten years. ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS/NOTES: The defeat of Mitt Romney was just what the doctor ordered for the lost tribes of Israel. Who now know that they should never again allow an illegal alien minority figure, or any REV.17 female type, to hold a public office over them. Ergo, the rat poison that is now being dropped onto the Galapagos Islands is Divine confirmation of the Providential day 1290 timing of the rocket bombs that are now falling down on Israel. "There are more rats in Paris than there are people." [LAST TANGO IN PARIS] ~ Here is the latest SCARFACE confirmation at: ~ The reason why my marred servant [BOOK OF MORMON] forerunner was able to take over Miami so quickly and so easily, was because all of the fainthearted men in 2NEPHI 8 were so weak, and so pussy whipped. [Think Marc Anthony meets Ben Affleck meets Matt Damon.] ~ WILL SUCCESS SPOIL ROCK HUNTER? is about me hanging out on Michael Savage's patriotic twin VO/VO cabin cruiser in the San Francisco Bay area. Talk about having the keys to the kingdom, and eating your cake too, at: ~ AND:

Thursday, November 15, 2012


The last days prophecy about the second coming of Jesus in MATTHEW 25 is what MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING to Jennifer Aniston and Miley Cyrus is all about. Ergo, if you ever wanted to get married and do lot of forever and ever fucking, and have a lot of children in the process, this is the prophetic Greek president movie time-line scenario for you. ~ For example, last night I watched my own private 1983 SCARFACE prophecy about Steven Fresh fucking my ex-wife's kid sister and her at the same time; Then I got up later and read that Lindsay Lohan has a 17 year-old kid sister too. Per my inspired scene per scene CITIZEN COCAIN movie treatment, that was all about LL's PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA daddy trying to get her into rehab for the fourth time. ~ Hence, she showed up unannounced last night on Jimmy Fallon, looking like that obsessed Japanese fan of the natural born citizen killers in NATURAL BORN KILLERS, at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES/LINKS: ~ Middle of the road apostate Christianity is a 666 train wreck, [Think middle east.] per: ~ It's OK with me if LL wants to do a little FFing missionary work on JF. Just as long as they both get permission from his wife; in some kind of an inspired by God prearranged polygamist previews thing. If you have enough faith in Jesus, you will be able to handle deadly snakes and drink poison, and it won't kill you, like at:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The liberal Jew media, both foreign and domestic, just got sucker punched by my long time 'BB' friend who is now the born again leader of Israel. You play the anti-Mormon idiot from Dallas, Texas; I play the Antichrist who destroys your filthy apostate Christianity. In other words, if you don't like the idea of me fucking two underaged wives at the same time, you will be condemned to live in the new American hell. Where all the Christian youth pastors look like the new Boy Scouts of America father of Jessica and Ashley Simpson. ~ Just because you love the Bible, it does not mean that the Bible of the lost tribes of Israel will love you back. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Check out VOGUE's new "two chicken shits" from Fresno, CA cover at: ~ Pitt's new killer clowns movie opens on November 30th. The previews look good to me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


At the end of the NATURAL BORN CITIZEN birth certificate prophecy, directed by Oliver Stone in 1994, the new [Dr Evil] Bruce Willis look alike in the new Danite rattlesnake movie called A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD, says, "Let's make a little music, Colorada..." Before he and his skinny Keira Knightley look alike girlfriend forever and ever execute the liberal media look alike jerk who had been hyping the abomination of desolation mass murderer. ~ Ergo, it's now open season on the leaders of the media, the leaders of the churches, the leaders of government, the leaders of education, and the leaders of Hollywood. ~ You lie, you die. ~ Probably at the hands of one of your own private Idaho style Secret Service guys, or FBI men, or betrayed CIA spies; who you naively believed was one of your trusty bodyguards. ~ In the last days, the high and mighty will be brought down by their own lowly servants. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: The NATURAL BORN KILLERS red horse sidekick prophecy takes place along the former Hwy.666 in New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah; but the prison riot scenes were filmed at a penitentiary in Barack Obama's Chicago, Illinois. Hence, the movie's climatic shots of all those niggers getting lynched, [Circa 1:42:44 on my director's cut DVD.] ~ After the Chicago South-side prison riots erupt in the natural born citizen killer movie, we see the face of a black man in a car size mirror who looks like MLK. Which was just confirmed by the overwhelming third world Hispanic niggers style re-election of Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. Who is still in lock-down inside some mental ward hospital prison. ~ NATURAL BORN KILLERS opens with a slice of English key-lime pie; and then we see the thin figure of my wife Keira Knightley doing her death dance. ~ The scene where we get married is on the 15th Ave bridge in Seattle that crosses the deep Ravenna Park divide of my 60th year re-election prophecy that happens at the end of REV.16th Ave N.E. ~ The killer clowns' circus tent UFO mother ship in KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE looks like an 'underground nuclear plant' in Iran, circa 2012. ~ Check out the brilliant 'terrible acting' in LL's new soft porn 70s homage, at: ~ We'll probably use an old French super 16mm wide-angle lense in my own private sailor dog fuck film. [Less shakey video image.] Shot on that same 91' IN LIKE FLYNT sailboat yacht featured in SKYFALL meets BOOGIE NIGHTS. I'm thinking our luxury boat gets invaded by Caribbean pirates who force us to watch Rihanna go down on one of my virgin wives, at: ~ AND:

Monday, November 12, 2012


NATURAL BORN KILLERS came out on August 26, 1994, right when I was previewing my TWN/GSR NEWSLETTER at the SUNSTONE symposium for neo-homosexual mormons and three-way polygamist swingers in SLC, UTAH, at: ~ Nevertheless, at that time I still had not gotten around to watching 1988's prophecy about the alien killer clowns from Africa and Mexico; who would invade America and start killing the homosexuals cruising for sex with strangers in the public parks of Crescent Cove, USA. Which was just confirmed by the look alike Amber Heard bade in the movie getting a pizza delivery by the Gus Van Sant look alike clowns in the prophetic movie filmed in Emma's Watsonville, CA, at: ~ Therefore, we now know that Juliette Lewis role played my future wife in the composite NATURAL BORN CITIZEN KILLERS movie about her new film entitled THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER hippie chick. Since KILLER KLOWNS FROM BONNEY LAKE WASHINGTON was actually made in Santa Cruz.~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Here is the back story on those killer clowns in 1988 who set up a public park puppet show in order to catch all those red capitalist homogaysexuals who would be cruising for sex with strangers on the down low in the US Capitol in 2012, at: ~ Ergo the BIG TOP BURGER look alike Capitol building sign in the above movie's opening sequence. Ergo, the Jews are about to get fucked four ways to Wednesday, for having stabbed America in the back on Emma Stone's 24th birthday. ~ Today's filthy Jew media moguls are the ones who made the known Chicago mob boss murderer Barack Obama my superstar hero sidekick wanna be. ~ Nice to see that Leo is cutting back a little on his fag time, and spending more time with his wives, like at:

Saturday, November 10, 2012


From the very beginning it was all planned. That the Portland, Oregon based director of the word-for-word PSYCHO remake movie, starring the turned Hetch, would start to turn during the 2012 advent of the two new Alfred Hitchcock movies; co-starring Sienna Miller and Scarlett Johansson. In other words, a lot of supposedly gay men have a problem having intimate sex with one vagina. But two vaginas at the same time is even such a more relaxing and satisfyingly queer idea, that they just can't resist. As confirmed by this new physically transfigured look alike image of the DRUGSTORE COWBOY remake director of Emma Stone's upcoming redhead woodpecker movie, at: ~ You don't want to make a double look alike soft porn movie with me, co-starring Amber Heard and Lindsay Lohan, then fuck you loser. We'll get somebody else to put up the big 35k budget in the BOOGIE NIGHTS prophecy that payed for me getting to fuck Julian Moore and Heather Graham at the same time. [Played by Emma Stone and Lindsay Lohan, co-directed by Oliver Stone and Gus Van Sant.] ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS: If you are a typical neo-homosexual Utah Mormon who has opposite-sex attraction problems, like Glenn Beck or Mitt Romney, don't worry. The end of your personal suffering, and bouts of pussy-whipped ugly wife depression, will come when the new Sodom and Egypt dies right before your eyes. ~ I AM the hidden invisible man master of the world-wide Masonic templer plot to destroy homosexual Christianity. I AM the ANTICHRIST OF ANTICHRISTS, and every other Antichrist wanna-be faggot out there is my bitch. All of whom are as phony as Barak Obama's born again birth certificate.