Friday, November 30, 2012

JUST WALK AWAY RENEE ~ No one ever taught Renee Zellweger what was really going on in Austin, Texas. Therefore, according to the laws of Israel, she will not be held accountable. I.e. Renee is not responsible for the fiscal deceit that was behind the new born again 666ism that she was brainwashed with at the same time she was doing all those Colorado COORS beer commercials for Barack Obama, circa 2008. ~ Because in the WHITE HOUSE OF 1000 [press] CORPSES prophecy, the masked white-face killer clown at the gas station of desolation talks like a southern Negro. ~ [Who loves fried chicken and eating pussy] ~ The above WHITE ZOMBIE movie scenes about the foolish five virgins who are restrained on a bed and raped, was just confirmed by the new white temple of horrors pix out of Texas, at: ~ Per the above movie's remote farm temple-master of ceremonies who looks like Warren Jeffs. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Dr Satan's underground Obamacare hospital in the above horror film is a 666 technology torture chamber. ~ Most people do not understand that the Civil War actually started in Washington, DC, like at: ~ In the opening sequence to WHITE HOUSE OF 1000 PRESS CORPSES, some guy has a PLANET OF THE APES action figure doll stuck up his ass, and has to be taken to the hospital. Then a masked African American ape like Barack Obama comes into the gas station museum that represents America's small businessmen, and tries to rob them. 2000's white zombie horror movie ends with a shot of a Hwy.50 sign that represents the 50th state of the union, Hawaii. ~ The other big mega dittos lottery tick\et was purchased by some invisible winner in Emma Stone's home town of Scottsdale, Arizona; who was born on November 6th in 1988. Think Scarlett Johansson's lucky Iron Mountain hairdo on Letterman, etc. etc. ~ Friday morning at 8:10 am, Kristen Stewart let me know in a flash vision that her current boyfriend was just an FFing missionary position thing, Roma style. And the time will come soon when she will be able to walk away from it, like I saw her at:

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