Saturday, September 22, 2012


The shuttle ENDEAVOUR took off on it's anal sex campaign tour circuit on Wednesday, with multiple stops, as a sign from above that today's USA is the latter-day Sodom and Egypt in REV.11, like at: ~ Therefore, the inspired words by Paris Hilton about gay men being "disgusting" and many of them have the butt fucker plague in REV.9, rolled out on the very same day that the END-EAVOUR took off in penis shaped Florida. For a second witness, Amy Poehler was on Leno the same day smoking a fag and enjoying a night club martini. ~ Then Ann Romney's high flying phallic icon got smoke in the cockpit and had to make an emergency landing in Barack Obama's Denver, Colorado. [Colorado means colored in Mexicano.] ~ Because Mitt Romney's high society types are just too gay to even mention that his presidential opponent is not a citizen of the United States. Not to mention that he is also a well known homosexual. ~ Here is a shot of the homosexual manifestation from God above flying over one of LA's most popular public parks for men having sex with strangers; note the two black Egyptian butt icons of ancient astronomy science at: ~ The 2012 election tour of Sodom came to an end on Friday near Hinkley, California. In confirmation of the current RLDS church of Gordon B Hinckley saying nothing about the advent of the two witnesses of Judah and Ephraim in Sodom and Egypt. Egypt being the ancient center of science, art, and technology. ~ Ergo, the iPHONE-5 of the five foolish virgins also came out at the end of ENDEAVOUR's election tour over the promised land of the abomination of desolation. When it landed at Ed/wards Airforce Base; due north of Saddleback Butte State Park. ~ 'Ed' being a popular name for the talking horse G7 beast in classic 60s television shows and movies. ~ GSR/TWN

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