Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I just read that the co-star of AN EDUCATION will be hooking up in some West End gig with her daddy figure in the SHAUN OF THE DEAD Mormon missionary man prophecy. ~ ~ For a double confirmation of both Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley getting married to two fuddy duddies who don't believe anymore in 1960s style open marriage. ~ ~ Per this historic link to BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE, at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_%26_Carol_%26_Ted_%26_Alice ~ ~ Or is it the other way around? Who gives a shit. ~ ~ Watch DOWN AND OUT IN BEVERLY HILLS meets SHAMPOO while on LDS/LSD and get your head right. ~ ~ What the fuck. You can't come up with enough big ones for Chloe Moretz's mother to let me and her make a couple fuck films on my vintage yacht that was once owned by one of my forerunners? ~ ~ That's like saying that Jerry Seinfeld does not have even one single Italian sports car for me in any one of his bi-coastal warehouses. ~ ~ GSR/TWN ~ ~ NOT SURE NOTES: Ironically, the young-at-heart guitar-playing loves-to-dance Jimmy Fallon seems more LA than NYC. ~ ~ This is what I would do, if I were him. Get ready to move out west, and drop the hip Dakotas condo backdrop for something more 'Hotel California'. I could be completely full of shit on this one; since it does say in the Bible that, "The ways of man are not the ways of God." ~ ~ On the other hand, they are saying that Woody Allen's new west coast BLUE JASMINE picture is where it's at right now.

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