Sunday, April 10, 2016


England's Danny Will/ett won the putting contest with that guy from Texas at the end of THE MASTERS. For Danny's final winning putt in CADDYSHACK that was sunk by the big fireball explosion and follow up 7.1 earthquake in India's exotic Puttingal Devi temple on the same day. Because the white temple house of the New Jerusalem has been desecrated by the day 1290 desolation of abomination in MARCO: 13:14. ~ ~ Note the REV.15 hole flag in the BUSH WOOD country club [Republican Party] movie version that came out when Reagan was first elected in 1980. ~ ~ On your R/M  maps, you will note that the Augusta area is served by the airport at Bush Field. ~ ~ In relation to that plane crash report that came in when the filmmakers exploded the underground secret combinations of the warm and fuzzy little goffer pests. ~ ~ GSR/TWN ~ ~ BE THE BALL NOTES: Those crazy eastern religion high-on-a-mountain-top themes in CADDYSHACK are the Hindu temple omens on THE MASTERS Sunday. ~ ~ It has gotten to the point these days that many Londoners are asking themselves; which came first?... England or India? ~ ~ TRIUMPH SPORTS CAR NOTES: I don't know anything about Danny Willett. But her sure look like a good'ol southern white boy to me at: ~ ~ Heck. Most of the white people in the south are either originally from England and France, or Germany.
~ ~ Whatever, the tall actor with the blondish Jewfro who played Danny in CADDYSHACK is named Michael O'Keefe in real life. And that Irish [HASTY TASTY] hamburger and French fries babe who he was fucking looks exactly like my exwife Laurence Pierson, from Epinal, France. ~ ~ Which is probably why my sexy horny blond babe from Manhattan in the movie, with the very nice and tight small tits, is actually a physically transfigured Gwyneth Paltrow replacement wife figure. ~ ~ DAN:9 NOTES: From some angels, the country club [blow up] explosion in CADDYSHACK looks like a low elevation cone volcano eruption by the REV.13:1 sea in Barack Obama's home state of Hawaii; where he wasn't born. And yes. He does have a completely legal Hawaii birth certificate. Even the one that was originally published in the HONOLULU ADVERTISER. And then it somehow disappeared from the government file cabinet where they usually keep such things. In the very same way that Obama's simple ROYAL typwriter made British era Kenyan hospital birth certificate is gone from the records. Ergo, Obama is not involved in the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton. But somehow he knows that she didn't violate any kind of secret government email files.

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