Thursday, October 7, 2010


In 1776 Philadelphia Wednesday, the first perfect playoffs game since 56 was thrown against the REDS.

There was a 4.4 quake in the REV.13 sea off the Eureka coast of California's Redwoods National Park Tuesday at 8:15:27 am. The same day no.44 spoke before a REV.17 women's conference at the Mellon in DC and the presidential seal fell off the podium, like in an earthquake, at:

In Liz Hurley's DAWG location zone Tuesday, there was a 4.1 quake at 2:22 pm. In the movie, Liz carries around a photo of her future husband on an iPAD frame. They stay at the FOUR ACES MOTEL. They stop into Gov Arnold's OAKS PHARMACY in Sacramento, for his former Hollywood OAK PRODUCTIONS title. In the far-fetched finale, Anna shows Doug an iPAD pic of herself when she was a Megan Fox look a-like in college. In the out-takes over the end credits, we see the 60s Jesus-loves-you Keira&Sienna FFing fusion figure, Kiana, bouncing in the Hammock with Doug, saying, "We're already committed..."

Uma pushes the 'Beep... Beep, Beep' threesome buttons on the "chapel bell" when she returns home from JACKRABBIT SLIMS with John in PULP FICTION.

I was wondering why Demi wore my black rim physical transfiguration glasses in their wink wink photo op at the UN conference and on TWITTER.

They found Quentin Tarantino's deceased partner and her black dog in Beechwood Canyon at 2:15 am, for the motel room no.215 in PULP FICTION. Where the French lady forgot about the gold watch values of her forefathers.


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