Friday, July 22, 2011


Majority rule is brute lawlessness. Therefore the blond beast beauty in REV.17 was inspired by God to attack Renee Zellwegger's Scandinavian Niceville Viking predators in her 42nd year.

" is by the wicked that the wicked are punished..."

Jesus H [Howard] Christ. GET the picture already.

Did you not see that new 3.4 earthquake number under Utah's Rock Ridge landmarks? Where all those BIG LOVE meets BLAZING SADDLES meets TRUE GRIT husbands are fucking their hot teenager wives down among their sweet peaches orchards. That are now owned and operated by Terry McKnight's line leader wife, figuratively speaking, north of Orem.

Because that lost CARNIVAL OF SOULS Jew boy in the White Horse Prophecy Senate of the USA has now become the childish de facto president of lost Israel's Christian wanna be Mormons in Salt Lake City.

You believe it not?

Or do you believe that Brigham Young was just some middle-aged sex pervert who was fucking two teenagers in his Lion House restaurant mansion at the same time. Since he prophesied in public more than once that all of your polite society church ladies in 2011 would become as foolish and ignorant as that prophetic church lady on SNL from the Reaganite 80s. [Reagan loved FDR as much as the naive Newt Gingrich.]

Hence Keifer's old man from 666 Canada who starred in Charlie's THE ITALIAN JOB rip off was the [Fake birth certificate scan scam...] Canadian Scandinavian voice-over for VOLVO, for all those years when Hilary and Bill were getting away with murdering their detractors down in Ark.

Which is why the devil began bombing and shooting THE LOST BOYS at their 666 summer work labor party concentration camps on the symbolic island where Woody Allen's beloved Third Way SEVEN SEALS polygamist film director died.



Carey Mulligan showed up in San Diego just in time to confirm my ALFA ROMEO dream about her down there.

Did I ever mention my vivid dream about slowly floating to the ceiling along side Canada's Mr Carey, like my half&half vampire protagonist does in THE LOST BOYS? I did get kicked off of Santa Cruz' boardwalk in the summer of 1985 because I told the joint's old middle-aged manager to fuck off. [Where I finally saw BLOOD SIMPLE's sacred cross film in late-run at some art house downtown, pre-1989 earthquake.]

Arnold's teenage son was seriously injured last weekend in a surfing accident that metaphorically happened outside the entrance to THE LOST BOYS' underground Nazi hotel headquarters; full of surfboards that they confiscated from their Nazi surfer victims.

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