Monday, July 16, 2012


ABOUT LAST NIGHT's three-way slumber party at Lady Gaga's shag pad. Last night I watched that 2003 made movie about Emma Roberts' sucking up every drop from my cock, entitled SPYMATE. Which was about the end of the 42 months period in REV.13, when the 666 beast's Chinatown, Chicago thugs would be threatening to take white America off the cliff if they don't go along with my niggers. ~ You better watch out. Mr Tarantino just showed 8 crazy minutes of his new black exploitation slave movie in San Diego about the upcoming set-up in A TOUCH OF EVIL. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Miley's designer Harry Potter sunglasses at LAX were for that 1958 crystal studded turtle in THE RUM DIARY. ~ My SPYMATE sidekick prophecy ends with a 42 months phone call from America's now occupied Casablanca by the older sheriff Joe Arpaio looking type who informs my Third World monkey born in Africa that he has a special top secret LDS mission for him in Puerto Rica, USA, circa 2012. Hence that 7 HABITS of the new [G7 666 beast] book's NYT best-selling-author, who looks exactly like the G rated mormon movie villain in SPYMATE, died at the exact same time I watched SPYMATE, at: ~ Whenever you stand up and testify in church that you know that Barack Obama is a citizen of the United States, my faithful homogaysexual sidekick is going to fuck you in the ass so hard, that you are going to shut the fuck up and finally sit down on top of your sorry sore ass. ~ GSR/TWN ~ Mister MJB likes to fuck with the virgin teenager babes just as much as I do, at: ~ Here is the latest on those 7 no-sucky-fucky Catholic virgins in my own private 007 prophecy entitled, THE MATADOR, at: ~ This 'Olympic Way' omen refers to the Mt Olympics peek that overlooks Mitt Romney's Salt Lake City, Utah, at: ~ All of my prophetic sidekick nigger stand-ins from Africa in SPYMATE were provided by a Hollywood company called GOIN' APE. ~ The dead bodies of those two young ladies of Judah and Ephraim were found in Clinton County, Miss/our\I on the same day, USA time, that Hill/ary Clinton arrived in the latter-day Israel-Judea location that is mentioned in MARK 13:14, etc. ~ THE RUM DIARY's two witnesses who have flames coming out of their mouths in REV.11 etc. are the same two who will eventually convert all my old Mr Kemp type friends in L.A. Like Mitt Romney, Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Sylvester Stallone. ~ It's enough to make me want to review again my own private Harry [Potter] hero one more time in my day 1260-1290 prophecy called TRUE LIES. In THE RUM DIARY, I give Kemp the keys to my 1958 CORVETTE. Then we see my monkey's African mask dancer next to my WEREWOLF IN LONDON mask. And THE WOMAN IN RED is dancing with my nigger slaves in Tarantino's upcoming black exploitation movie. No wonder that the movie's protagonist ended up killing himself in Barack Obama's Colorado; which means 'colored' people. Like the ones who are now going off of the many Pike's Peak cliffs of Colorado in Americano.

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