Thursday, July 26, 2012


Like some kind of a surreal reverse-mortgage divorce settlement scenario in some creepy BRIDES OF DRACULA mansion movie, yours truly is going to end up with half of everything that Sandra Bullock owns; once we both sign our phony California marriage pre-divorce born-again birth certificate papers. Since my own 100 pairs of wives are actually going to need two line leaders who both have the powers to divorce any one of my teenage cellulite free wives who start thinking that they are better than Kristen Stewart. Just because KS has the power to turn me on more than any other 409 fast car lady out there at that particular point in time. ~ In other words, if you are about 50 years old right now, and you want to become 29 again, for another 50 years or so, it's time to PAY UP SUCKER!! ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Read this inspired book if you want to known why my French ex-wife looked like Princess Diana, who prophetically died in MIDNIGHT IN PARIS, at: ~ [Think Paris Hilton going to some private reform school for girls in Provo, Utah; "The middle of nowhere." to quote David Cameron.] I watched 1941's KING OF THE ZOMBIES prophecy about today's hypnotized media women who have jungle fever for my masked African Tarzan sidekick in the White House, at: ~ AND ~ ~ The classic gang warfare horror movie takes place when FDR was set to attack the first 666 beast in REV.13 in order to create something much better and more civilized in it's place. Which was also just as fake and illegal as Barack Obama's born again birth certificate from Pear Harbor, Hawaii; not to mention Salt Lake City, Utah. ~ I also just watched Steven Seagal's 1990 White Horse Prophecy movie entitled HARD TO KILL; about a gang of Republican Party politicians who refused to raise taxes, as long as the Tea Party refused to raise the issue of the illegal alien's fake birth certificate. But eventually their shady new FDR MLK LBJ David Letterman CBS deal fell apart, once the movie's future video recording of all their big Marxist lies and deceit went viral on the new beast's 666 world wide web, circa 1990 meets 2012. P.S. After Sandy and Jen et al give me half of everything that they have, they will get to keep all their earners in the immediate future, minus 10% tithing of course. You give me your middle-aged bank account fat, and I will get rid of the fat on your thighs, hips, and mid section; "You can take that to the bank!!" [HARD TO KILL, 1990.] ~ And I'm not just talking about some Victoria Beckham HERBAL LIFE LA diet here. I'm talking about the complete restoration of your 29ish muscle structure and bone structure. [Old people who suddenly lose weight just look kind of creepy, like Matthew McConaughey in some new movie for Texas rodeo homosexuals. ]

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