Wednesday, August 8, 2012

PLAN B SEX IS THE BEST ~ One way or the other, all of my older wives with middle age spread are going to hand over half of their money. And since I AM talking about the Kingdom of God here, whichever way you want to do it is up to you. There is no progressive 666 taxation by force in the land of freedom. ~ Jesus Christ is not a Marxist; unlike Tom Criuse or Tom Hanks, or Conan O'Brien, or Berry Obama, or Jessica Alba, or Jessica Biel, Scarlette Johannson, or Mr MacCon, or Jerry Seignfeld, or David Letterman, or yada yada's Tom Brady. ~ Therefore, if Miley Cyrus is just too dumb to accept the female lead in LAST TANGO IN PARIS TWO, the new debut film director Jennifer Anistion may just have to cast Chloe Moretz. Who I had recommended to her earlier, before the star of MEET THE MILLERS was ever considering putting half of her United Order money into some kind of an indie film that would help introduce the Kingdom of God, circa 2012-2013. [You have to spend money to make money.] ~ Why wait for a job from the Hollywood studios that are run by the Jews? When you can go into business for yourself with a hot as hell hard R property that you can take to market after Israel gets fucked in the ass four ways to Wednesday. ~ You make my double mind fuck full nudity movie starring Chloe Moretz and Hailee Stienfeld for under 35 big ones, and I AM will return your investment four fold, minus my 10%. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: That David Lynch look alike country music christian crashed in north Texas because my Branch Davidian brothers are still not listening to the Word. Think Miley Cyrus' watermelon farm father in Tennessee; where Nicole Kidman is now living with her short husband from down under. ~ If you leave me, another sexy tall blond who lives in the same Nashville area will replace you; who is way younger than you, and has even more money than you.

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