Sunday, June 26, 2016


The fall of Fallujah represents the fall of the dragon's 666 EU beast and the false prophet's refugees who support it in REV.16:13. ~ Did see that one coming. ~ Come on already! ~ The peoples of the prince in the 70 weeks prophecy in DANIEL 9 meets EZE.38 are the dark skinned LAmanite type masses of gog magog who support Barack Obama. ~ And who hate to death Donald Trump and his soon-to-be look alike blond hair-job Prime Minister of England residing at No.10 Downing Street. ~ Both of whom are as Jewish as fucking Tevye, at: . ~ Read a book or two, for g-d's sake. ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS MICHAEL: Why are you always so hard on me? ~ I'm on your side. "Did I say something?" Mike Myers. ~ PLAYBOY PHILOSOPHY NOTES: When today's fascistic enquiring minds who always want to know everyone's business start asking, just say it will be converted into a private health spa retreat. Besides, the property already has a long held license for commercial uses. ~ THE BIG LEWBOWSKI:II NOTES: The nice thing about this old fashioned Hollywood sequel remake taking place on a restored and remade 91' sailboat is that you can make it happen from one International port of call place to another place like it without even breaking continuity. ~ I.e. one minute Brad Pitt and George Clooney are fucking a nice brace of underaged hotties each on their sloop in Santa Cruz, and the next thing you know, they are both doing the same fucking thing on the same restored vintage boat tied up in London. ~ [Sailboats can go anywhere in the world anytime that they want.] ~ Like for instance at: ~ And if not there, how about Biarritz? ~ Close enough, whatever, wherever. ~ The average low-information and distracted pop culture viewer wont even notice it. ~ EXECTUTIVE PRODUCER NOTES: For my 57 big ones, I'm gonna need to see a lot of hot young A-list tits and asses in string bikinis on this one. ~ Otherwise, it's a definite no go. ~ Fuck it anyway... I could shoot the entire mother fucking 91 page screenplay adaptation with the too skinny Sienna Miller, and the too fat Dakota Fanning, and yours truly playing the too old Iggy Pop figure in front of the camera; and I'll get Paul Nestor to work it from behind the camera; somewhere on location in San Francisco Bay; for well under 5.7. ~

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