Wednesday, April 14, 2010


James King found that lost 11 year-old girl who was born DSS, [Defective Seed Syndrome], in the muddy alligator swamps of lost Israel, Florida, at:

Out the same day Nick Cage was on Leno talking about KICK-ASS's 11 year-old Hit Girl hero.

That powerful 7.1 earthquake happened in Tibetan, China as Mrs Obama suddenly showed up unannounced in Haiti's earthquake ravished ROYAL WEDDING location. For those Tibet idols and dolls in the Haiti temple of the 1961 THE DEVIL'S HAND prophecy at:

It was also the same day they reported that Obama will be attending the funeral of Poland's president on Saturday. In confirmation of David Lynch's Polish portrait of the REV.17 harlot in 2006's INLAND EMPIRE, at:

Lynch is a major supporter of the Tibetan liberation movement.

Obama's Chicago region is often times referred to as the inland empire of America.

In ROYAL WEDDING, Ellen stomps on Tom's blue gray fedora for the 42 months of stomping on the righteous in REV.13. The film's strangely white Haiti dancers are a prophetic mulatto theme.

Ted Turner tells the REV.17 mystery woman in THE DEVIL'S HAND that he knows who she is, but he wants her anyway. Just like David Letterman et al, including the stonewalling newsmedia whores.

Here is a typical desecrated temple cult report by some Polish named NBC hack, Jim Miklaszewski, who claims Obama has released a copy of his original Hawaii birth certificate, at:

Note that Hawaii officials have repeatedly refused to confirm their one time only original statement about having a birth certificate on file; back in 2008 before the scandal went big. The only thing they got is a Hawaii birth certification based on the common standard "vital records" form, witnessed and sent in by mother Obama et al in 1961.


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