Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My awesome homogaysexual Captain America sidekick delivered a powerful gut punch to the whore who gutted Arizona's illegal alien law Wednesday. The same day he did an interview with all those nasty liberal bitches on THE VIEW. To be aired on the same day the law was supposed to start no less. And only months before the fall election to defeat the reborn beast in REV.13 who will tread upon the righteous for 42 months.

During the Ephraimite's opening monologue Wednesday, an unusually strong 5.2 quake occurred at 12:12:05 pm in the DEEP HORIZON sea directly west of [Senator] Reedsport, Oregon. The prophetic REV.13 shore landmark north of the 42 line is where we can frequently sample such SEES signs as Roman Nose Mtn and Baldy Butte. Believe me you. They are now locking and loading over at Oregon's site. My bitch at the Casablanca may as well have sat down and wrote out a perfectly timed check to the Elephant Party for one billion dollars.

Everyone expects the Oregon State BEAVERS to come on strong during the upcoming Pac-10 virgins Touchdown Jesus season. When they expect to release Mel Gibson's Jodie Foster directed movie entitled THE BEAVER. Which features a beaver sock [jaw] puppet glove, who must somehow find a way to deal with his wife. That looks like the football team's mascot since 1942 at:

I believe that THE BEAVER is Mel's only film with Jodie since they starred together in their Oregon based movie MAVERICK. Wherein he gets conned by a seductive REV.17 lady of mysterious origins. Could very well be that she will end up as Mel's head wife in the physically transfigured future. If he plays his cards right.

Gregory Scott Relf

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