Saturday, April 14, 2012


Those twelve black and white niggers on Obama's anti-assassin detail were shit-canned in Columbia in confirmation of my lonely protagonist sidekick bisexual in THE MATADOR, Mr Noble. Who ends up in a whore house of Israel in Mexico City, on his Branch Davidian Letterman birthday, because basically, he has nowhere else to go.

THE MATADOR biopick about me starts out with the fierce thunder storms in Barack Obama's DENVER. That causes the big old tree to fall down over in SLC, UT just as my LDS missionary companion look alike in the early 70s was headed down to Mexico to meet me.

Hence that prophetic black 911 suddenly explodes, in confirmation of my overweight JG MILF who wants to meet me. But her little half Jew boy of a husband from Boston doesn't know shit about wife swapping.

Can you say Brad Pitt? To coin an old tired expression from the 1980s...

THE MATADOR's opening sequence shows a huge mulatto statue of the future Barack Obama messiah. Who eventually sacrificies his life in order that the little illegal alien darkies from down south could also have a really nice home; with old world 18" thick walls, and classic wet plaster interiors, that the lost tribes of Israel say is just a bunch of cult religion Mormon bullshit.

Just like me. Julian Noble has no home in THE MATADOR, nor even an apartment address.

Until he shows up at Greg's house in Denver to make the "wife swapping" whisky and pecan pie deal that he owes him. Which we do not understand, circa 2005, is about me retiring to a Greek Island with Jennifer Aniston, [FOR YOUR EYES ONLY]. Where I get to fuck all the little girls who look like little boys while we ride out the financial meltdown up in Athens. Per the Greek ANIMAL HOUSE preview to the Greek White House situation of today.

Of course, this was my dream Saturday morning about a friendly Charlize Theron showing me around her mother's Greek cargo ship limited partnership tax deduction investment, probably registered in Panama. That was now dry-docked in Union Lake, Seattle somehow. Which was confirmed only a few hours later in the day when I saw her adopted little Curious George monkey hanging from some lady's rear-view on 192nd and Hwy.410.

Now I'm finally beginning to understand what Howard Stern means when he talks about having 'hot monkey sex' with mothers in their late 30s and 40s.



THE MATADOR's Mr Stick is a classic establishment Republican politician look alike.

My Mr Noble King of England assassin has been at it for 22 years, i.e. since I left Provo, Utah in 1990.

Jen is so tired of being fucked in the butt by Obama's lying media morons, that she is getting ready to return the favor, TOTAL RECALL style.

Saturday morning at 3:17, little Miss Dakota's mother told me to not touch her virgin daughter figures in THE MATADOR's shooting gallery scene.

My secret double probation 007 agent's BACK TO THE FUTURE King of England figure down in Mel Gibson's THE MATADOR country in THE GRINGO likes to lick the salt off of two Michelle Rodriguez margarita fuck glasses at a time.

Think about Jennifer Aniston sipping on the lip of her girlfriend's dirty martini, at:

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