Wednesday, June 27, 2012


The body of that 666 year-old girl who was sexually assaulted in Utah was found on the very same day that the de facto homosexual Repliplant Orin Hatch was overwhelmingly nominated to be in the new beast's fascistic post ten-crowns Roman FDR coin Senate of the new Sodom and Egypt in the New Jerusalem of the new rewritten Book of Mormon, per: ~ You kidnap and abuse my innocent little white skin daughters of Israel, I AM will do the same thing to you like he did to Elizabeth Smart et al. ~ Take a hike all you phony church lady priesthood holder faggots. ~ In the 1979-80 FOXES prophecy, Jodie Foster is definitely the polygamist line-leader lady of the future. Whose daddy was going to be up in the Seattle area for just awhile, and then come back down to California and rescue all of her horses. Per the inspired film's long hair Jesus Christ super star dude at the plot's Big Lebowski checkout scene named Greg. Then one of my four 16 year-old virgins gets married to Randy Quaid in the end, even though she was directly responsible for trashing his House of Israel. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: TMZ just posted BLADE RUNNER's look alike Replicant Republicant killer from the future in Dallas, Texas, at: ~ Here is the report about that 66 year-old Obama supporter who was sodomizing two year olds during the Gay Pride Month celebrations at the White House and at the Pentagon, at: ~ Thank you David Letterman, Steven Spielberg, Bruce Willis, John McCain, President Gordon B Hinckley, and President Monson too, and Michael Medved, and everybody at National Review, etc. If only you had been man enough to tell us the truth about my butt fucking sidekick Barack Obama. Sadly, your 42 months period of 666 probation is almost up, at:

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