Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Last night I had a simple flash vision of WAL*MART's large bin full of $5 close-out DVDs. So I went over there Wednesday and found [WND] Sheriff Walker's Chicago based 1985 prophecy about the recall election of Gov. Scotch Walker; entitled CODE OF SILENCE. ~ Contrary to what the con men in the 666 media are saying, there really is not that much difference between Madison, Wisconsin, and Chinatown, Illinois. ~ Therefore Jen's Hwy.101 NASDAQ was up 66.61 on the same day-after all those pix rolled out about her cameo at the GSR/TWN's bachelor mansion PLAYBOY magazine reality show; which started back in the 1950s in Chicago. ~ And if you think I'm joking, Brad Pitt himself just decided to finance the magazine's first cover girl bio picture confirmation. ~ Gov Walker beat the crap out of the new 666 aliens who were trying to take over Schwarzennigger's adopted home state. For a second witness assassination thing about the end of the new neo con beast's 42 months of main stream media talk show tyranny; Michael Medved meets Glenn Beck style. Who will be ridiculing and slandering the southern white goyim in the whitewater rapids DELIVERANCE prophecy, who are still too stupid enough to believe in the U.S. Constitution's requirement that only a genuine white man can be the President of America, and the Mormon church, and sit apon the royal Throne of David in London, until the very end of their 42 months probation period. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NOTES: Here is the latest Divine Branch Davidian Waco, Texas meets Clinton, Montana confirmation about how Miley's odd looking half-breed Ephraimite sisters will be completely drunk on their asses in the last days, but not with wine, at:,,20601493,00.html#news

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