Tuesday, October 10, 2017


In SIDEWAYS:II, the failed actor jerk ends up marrying both Woody Allen's sexy Asian single mother and his more white Iraelitish bride from eastern Europe at the PLAYBOY MANSION; not inside some Greek Orthodox type church in 1NEPHI 14, etc. ~ And his Ken Keisler look alike sidekick also finally finds a wife or three who will honor and obey him for all eternity. ~ GSR/TWN ~ LONDON CALLING NOTES: The Jewish athiest socialist magazine writer Jack London was born on 1.12 and died on 11.22. ~ RED WINE NOTES: I started out at Seattle's HASTY TASTY all night coffee shop as a bus boy and dish washer. ~ Which also was owned and operated by a guy named De Santis. ~ Then after my LDS mission role in Fellini's amazing ROMA prophecy, I committed artistic suicide by marrying Laurence Pierson in the Provo, Utah temple on June 20, 1974. ~ Then years later, I became the KING OF ENGLAND who sits upon his throne wearing the beatnick coffee shop star logo of STARBUCKS in King County, Washington, circa 1991. ~ HARVEY HURRICANE NOTES: The traditionally Jewish German surname Weinstein is pronounced 'wine stein'. ~ Per all of these prophetic Octoberfest harvest moon [Sukkot festival] signs and wonders at: http://www.germansteins.com/categories/German-Beer-Steins/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMInsSU4bjm1gIVwZd-Ch0kVAEdEAAYASAAEgJukPD_BwE ~ Ergo, Harvey Weinstein's marred servant face has the look of a crazy full moon that has been pot marked all over by those meteorites in that Bruce Willis movie that came out on July 3, 1998. ~ "Joseph Smith once said that the moon was made out of cheese." ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITTANICA, circa 1968. ~

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