Friday, October 13, 2017


Scar/lett Johansson is the blond full figure nude model with [stiff necked] scar/f who poses for Walter after his GSR/TWN scarred forehead man sculpture masterpiece in A BUCKET OF BLOOD. ~ Which leads up to his royal toilet-plunger scepter of Judah coronation at the [ISAIAH 22:22] YELLOW DOOR CAFE. ~ That is after the WW:III submarine war in the Yellow Sea happens that changes everything; left and right. ~ When everybody decides to split the scene HASTY TASTY 1959 style; as we see Sienna Miller sitting at the poet Maxwell's round table discussion regulars at around 51:... minutes into the 1959 indie film prophecy about me being born again by Roger Corman. ~ That took less than a week to shoot. ~ So naturally I googled around for the no.8 on Walter's studio apartment door and came up with this 8th image by GOOGLE of Scarlett Johansson at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS SCARLETT: The above link was posted around the same time when I had that sexy kiss dream of you near Bonney Lake's KFC. ~ Which they are now converting into one of the main entrances to the new COSTCO in KING OF CALIFORNIA meets NIGHT WATCH. ~ BTW: The lumber yard beheading in A BUCKET OF BLOOD is a prophetic representation of the lumber mill industry along Washington State's HWY.410 region. ~ SEE: ~ PS KIT WINN: Yeah I know, you are about as good as an actor as I AM. ~ But don't worry about it for now. ~ STAND BY ME: 2&3 is about the two times that my stepfather took both of us on a fishing trip safari over to the Moses Lake, Washington potholes area. ~ Think ADAPTATION meets MATCHSTICK MEN. ~ PS LAURENCE PIERSON: Sean caught a black crappie, and Andrew fought off a largemouth bass, that time when you and me went fishing with them on Spirit Lake; after having pancakes at that local coffee shop. ~ Then when they grew up, Sean married a blackish wife, and Andrew hooked up with a more white skinned Israelitish blond girl. ~

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