Saturday, October 28, 2017


Pretty deep I'd say. ~ Take for example that handsome flake in BURN AFTER READING who worked for years in P.P. [personell protection] for a cinematic front CIA actor who is involved up to his neck in today's Russian pee pee dossier that formed the basis for Bob's deep state investigation into President Trump's friends, family, and associates' toilet habits. ~ As just confirmed by that HARDBODDIES look alike at DOJ who announced his retirement. ~ Even that "INTRUDER!!" who had been supporting amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens in AMERICA, at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS PRESIDENT MONSON: Whatever happened to all of those dire warnings in the BM about the secret combinations in the last days? ~ Would it be asking too much for you to do at this late hour to at least sprinkle a little salt and pepper on that bland plate of beans that you have been serving up to the faithful saints ever since 1993? ~ For Christ sake, right outside your door is the best source for in the entire world. ~ How about sharing a little of it for free with the rest of us? ~ And while you are at it, tell the good white folks in Utah that it is God's will that Ken Kemp be elected to the Senate. ~ And not that handsome [haircut] mormon Mitt Romney; who was the original inspiration behind Obamacare. ~ "How do I know who you are?.. How do I know who you are?" official transcript from Steven Fresh's initial job interview with some mysterious CIA recruiter in Boston, circa 1980. ~ Then they immediately called him back for a follow up interview. ~ But he never did return their repeated phone calls. ~ DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: More open and free PLAYBOY MANSION lifestyle, less secret and closed minded political PC nonsense at the WHITE HOUSE in DC. ~ Think CATCH 22 meets M.A.S.H. ~

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