Thursday, February 19, 2009


I experienced a flash vision Wednesday at 7:33 pm. Wherein I saw a hand holding up a fancy black "BLAGOJEVICH" playing card. That you know was Obama's red transsexual queen of African diamonds on the other side. Based on the Greek Ariana Huffington's Jay Leno appearance Wednesday, and her 'Greek' homosexual president's office look alike cues at:

1962's latter-day Barack Obama prophecy was written and produced by George Axelrod. So I searched the predestined usurper's senior presidential adviser Axelrod, and discovered that the player was born on Drew Barrymoore's 2.22 birth date for this year's 81st OSCAR awards; i.e. George Washington's birthday.

DOMINO's bounty hunter context was confirmed by the passing of Mickey Rourke's beloved pooch on President's Day, at 5:00 am sunrise. The same day I had a flash vision at 9:07 pm of the bounty hunter chase scenes in Chicago at the end of Steve McQueen's last movie THE HUNTER. [ McQueen's first real role was playing the bounty hunter in 1958's WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE.]

You know that THE HUNTER is an inspired cinematic prophecy when [King] Ralph picks up the film's skinny black transsexual Obama figure in a bright sunrise yellow suit. And then he wants to go after the wayward Branch [Davidian] brothers in his 51 convertible.

In the famous two witnesses corn-holer chase scene, McQueen creates the image of a giant domino. Straight out of Mel Gibson's crop signs movie called SIGNS. That was released in 2002 on the first day 1290 abomination of desolation date, at:

The 1980 Branch brothers [Gov Huntsman] prophecy was confirmed on the same day I updated it. When I saw those two LDS leaders on the cover of CHURCH NEWS Wednesday; attending the abomination of desolation inauguration.

They looked just like a couple smiling homogaycelibate Catholic priests in street clothes; yacking about the great event's "sense of hope" for the restored 666 beast. Who's head was wounded during the special 1260 days period of the two witnesses, Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern. But recovered miraculously, just like the first 666 beast, who healed very quickly and became Germany's democratic fascist partner in the seven mountains' G7 mode.

After McQueen's King Ralph figure nabs the Luke&Matthew [gospels] Branch brothers in the REV.11 corn fields of Sodom and Egypt. He returns his leadership [car-rental] key to a Ke/ira Knightley Queen of England look alike at the agency. Who is quite shocked to see their destroyed black FIREBIRD.

THE HUNTER's inspired Kingdom of God REV.12 baby birth ending, was set up by the Greek Tina Fey mother's La Maze classes; taught by Linday Lohan's girlfriend Sam. Right after Barack Obama's federal public school is blown up by a crack smoking Indian medicine wheel figure. Who looks somewhat like a trimmed down Larry Sinclair in the classroom door window shots.

Check out Sinclair's new [aged] Ariana Huffington look alike post picture, of her huffing amd puffing about getting the Chicago whistle-blower "dead or alive" at:

In 2009's update of THE HUNTER ending, the fugitive guy looks like a younger Gov Blago, named Bernardo; being chased all over town.

Yours, GSR/TWN

NOTE: Naomi Watts was on Jimmy Kimmel Wednesday to promote her new corrupt bank movie THE INTERNATIONAL. As the news was breaking about the latest bank con by a guy named Stanford; for the Stamford, Conn 666 ape signs and wonders. The politically bisexual Stanford gave the maximum allowed campaign donation to Obama. Turns out the Stamford ape also chewed off the lady's face. Who probably had the 666 mark of the beast in her forehead shot of her drivers license. See the prophetic ape, who hates the REV.17 whore, on Travis' shoulder patch, in this sunrise yellow taxi shot at:

"Building to a [Colo.] peak now..." says Sam during her heavy breathing La Maze birth class.

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