Wednesday, February 24, 2010


There is a potentially historic "monster" snow blizzard headed towards NYC. Arriving on the day of Barack Obama's Mt. St. Helens tea party summit with doctor evil.

The beast began showing it's intentions around the same time that the NEW YORKER's Mad Hatter editor announced his new Obama biography snow job fantasy. The latest legal news was also breaking about the well known illegal alien, that he probably voted for, at:

The storm track's massive snow load might just pass the western edge of NYC and only leave a mountain of slushy Hawaiian ice, in a rainbow of syrupy flavors. According to the map at:

That 32 year-old guy who shot those two Dear Creek school bus kids, with a 306 deer hunting rifle, near Michael Moore's Columbine gun movie site, is named Bruco Eastwood. For a DIRTY HARRY .44 thing. It's the same type of bolt action hunting rifle used to assassinate doctor MLK, and JFK.

There was a rare 2.8 quake at 1:58:10 am near Stonewall, Colorado Wednesday; located along the Purgatoire River [Purgatory]. That's basically where we are right now with an illegal usurper in the oval office. The closest thing we have to a president, at this point in time, is laying in a DC hospital with heart problems.

Of course, Senator Snow also voted this week to forward Obama's latest shovel ready Dirk Diggler Act. Those square-head shovels hanging on the wall in Jack's basement porn studio look like snow shovels.

New readers: The state of Maine is shaped like a cut-off dog's head, when tilted backwards. The cutting line runs past Deer Mtn. [Danite] Bear Mtn. and Brownfield, etc.

They announced Tuesday that women will now be bumping and grinding with the sailors in those extremely tight sub chambers. Jenny's "We all live in a yellow submarine..." NYC theater confirmation of my "Yellow" flash vision comes to mind.

Rock star actress KS wore a nice mummy thing in London this week at:

Her kingwood CRY BABY number was pretty IN LIKE FLINT too at:

No kidding. On Ellen Page's birthday, I had the hardest time again with another fricking tight cork. Nothing wrong with that. On the contrary.

Keep a sharp eye out. We are up against the first round of DANIEL 9's 62 weeks, 69 weeks, 70 weeks, etc. scenario; counting from the early November election in 2008. The Haiti quake on the two witnesses' birth dates would be the start of week 62. Which could lead to a flood of the [Port au Prince] prince's illegal immigrants.


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