Monday, July 26, 2010


The MARK 13:14 one will be taping his SEES appearance on THE VIEW this Wednesday, for broadcast on Thursday. To mark the last day of the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON lead navy exercises being conducted off the coast of Korea's prophetic penis stump landmark. Confirmed by's latest 007 Tim Dahlton citations, who is a British navy commander in rank.

Radar online computer screens are just another way of seeing things that are hard to see. Like that missile they roll out in SPY HARD when Dick Steele pops Ms Dahl on the jaw because radar has reported that Mel's Russian spy was looking at some chesty Fabio figure foreigner. Confirmed by the sudden Biblical downpour around Manchester, Iowa that washed out the area's Delaware County dam on the "Mac..." River. Reportedly, there were hundreds of frantic people with wetbacks trying to save all their belongings in the night as my last Mel Gibson post rolled out.

All those secret DC military files about choppers getting downed by missiles, that were leaked by our enemy spies at the Marxist GUARDIAN paper in London, refer to the missile that exploded in General Rancor's helicopter that opens the London 007 spoof SPY HARD.

This is Mel's Australian boomerang shaped island at the Halfbreed Lake duck hunting reserve outside Billings, Montana. That was confirmed on the anniversary of the July 25 date carved into stone on the side of Pompey's Pillar by Sunday's violent [Main Street twister] winds in Washington, DC. Weeks before radar's reports about Mel's $15,000,000 dispute with his spy babe, it was reported that Mel's private island is worth an estimated $15,000,000.

Those gaydar Z-Ray glasses worn by the director in SPY HARD were developed by a man who looks Korean.

Gregory Scott Relf


The nine people shot on Sandra Bullock's birthday in WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING Chicago, by a bus stop and Catholic church, along South Western Ave was a LOVE POTION NO.9 thing.

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