Thursday, October 23, 2008


For a visual confirmation of the latter-day Sodom and Egypt prophecy in REV.11, Upheaval Dome looks like a gigantic gaping homogaysexual anus from above. Featuring a Fat Bastard style corn cob turd poking out, upriver from Lake Powell, at:

By this point along the lower Green River, the thick muddy water there often looks like flowing brown diarrhea. Coming downstream from it's prophetic day 1290 abomination of desolation landmark called Desolation Canyon.

One of the main trailheads leading down into the primitive area's astonishing anus starts at Aztec Butte, accorging to:

In this strange region's shooting location for many an alien planet SI-FI movie, Dirty Devil River runs down into Lake Powell starting at [Tom] Hanksville, in Wayne County. Confirming the recent statement by Tina Fey, about leaving planet earth if Sarah Palin is elected.

This is the dinosaur bones country where they shot the plane crash ending to OCTOPUSSY. And the opening scenes by Steven Speilberg for my AUSTIN POWERS III: Goldmember prophecy.

DANIEL 12's new day 1290 Bond, Daniel Craig, believes that Obama would make a great leader who would, " willing to quite literally look the enemy in the eye and go toe-to-toe with them." Rush explained quite clearly Wednesday that Palin's real Americans have apparently now become the enemy of 007, and his sleazy underworld villains at:

In recent days, an inspired Hillary has entered the campaign with the same dark inspiration of her prophetic forerunner Evita Peron. Covering up for Obama's recent coked out sexcapades, etc. like she did for two decades with her 666 partner in power Bill Clinton.

I'm halfway through 1988's final Dirty Harry movie, THE DEAD POOL, which I hope to finish this morning. Already, we've seen the film's blonde news media babe in Oliver Stone's W movie get the bloody HOTEL SATAN treatment down in Little Rock, Arkansas. Fictionally role played as the director of HALLOWEEN and DAWN OF THE DEAD etc. I also just picked up those two classic cinematic prophecies.

Yours, GSR/TWN

NOTE: Rush read this piece by an honest Democrat Wednesday at:

NOTE: Is this the real reason Obama is going to Hawaii? See:

NOTE: Obama is planning a big election party at the lakeside park location where they filmed the alternative ending to THE BREAKUP. When Jenny is dating 'Greg'. See:

NOTE: How about that huge QUEER AS FOLK Gale Harold story? Love those BK ads. Those gay cavemen apes on motorcycles was also funny.

NOTE: Happy Hillary birthday Natalie.

NOTE: The fictional town of Haddonfield, Illinois in the HALLOWEEN series is actually located along Hwy.410, about 3.5 miles northeast of Pontiac, Illinois, next to the Wolf Creek Golf Club. According to:

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