Tuesday, November 2, 2010


15 cars derailed Monday morning in Lincoln County, Tennessee. The I-15 Vegas report I found doesn't say where in the small county south of Nicole's Nashville; could be around the Elk River by a small place called Skinem. For that mountain cabin image of Keira standing next to an elk skin. Because right there is Flintville and Cash Point, etc. Nextdoor in dry Moore County is the historic JACK DANIELS distillery in Lynchburg, west of Winchester. My arm to the square; Monday I overheard some guy tell a sales clerk about his wife's hobby of collecting [casino] JACK DANIELS shot glasses. The prophetic DERAILED spike award reference to my TRIP WITH THE TEACHER is at:

In game 5, the Gay Area GIANTS whacked the famous giant 'Big Tex' Dallas man that stands 52' high, and was installed back in 52, by 3-1. Originally Big Tex started out as a giant Christian church Santa Claus in Kansas. According to:

The DANIEL 2:31 giant message from the giant Touchdown Jesus was about those giants in MOSES 8:18 who threatened the righteous:
"And in those days there were giants on the earth, and they sought Noah to take away his life; but the Lord was with Noah, and the power of the Lord was upon him."

The Lord stated in MATTHEW 24:37-38 that the latter-days of Sodom and Egypt will be like the days of Noah.

Nancy Pelosi's GIANTS will hold their big Willie Mays Plaza victory parade on Wednesday starting at 11:00 am; the day after the apostate Catholic REV.17 woman is likely to be re-elected.

The amazing thunder and lightening Touchdown Jesus church prophecy happened along I-75 in Butler County, Ohio, for the giant Abraham Lincoln butler who swallows the REV.9 stinger in ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES.

There was a 4.3 quake last Saturday on THE BREAKUP's well established number of 6:02 pm near Walker, California, as the fresh breakup news was rolling out about Courtney Cox and David Arquette.

Note the 3-way bells design on the front of the little Chapel of the Bells in VEGAS VACATION, below the facade's football goal posts.


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