Sunday, June 19, 2011


Why do you think that anyone who kills a nigger just because he or she is a nigger will receive the 777 blackjack-pot of gold reward that he or she had coming in LEP 3?

Have you arrogant NYC sidewalk vender wiener pricks ever taken the time to watch LEP 5&6 in the west coast hood? Because you Jew boy niggers were just too busy watching the diarrhea shit fest PC crap at 60 MINUTES meets FACE THE MATION's new and improved version of the hip 1930s Third Way scene in Tangiers meets Berlin.

No wonder that talented half Jew nigger artist named Adolf Hitler, from Arnold's own highlander homelands, hated you so much that he had them build such an amazing 666 memorial to him in the heart of Manhattan.

Which was ultimately confirmed by David Lynch's girly HANNA MONTANA Boy Scout Eagle idiot from Arizona named Steven Spielberg; role playing ADL's Mr Fox fool who fired his female husband named Ms Fox because she naively said that Michael Bay was a typical third way Marxist opportunist.

Which is basically the same reason why Russia's G8 oligarch president of the state church of Paul in St Peter would like to see Sodom and Egypt's homosexual Greek frat house coke head mob brat in DOMINO get re-elected.

And I'm completely cool with that. Even though it's never gonna happen. Probably because me and my bling bling nigga bitches are going to have to make a deal with the devil of my Roosevelt High School musical Russian language teacher; in order to obtain the necessary volumes of gold bullion that we are talking about at etc.

See ya on the flip side asshole.


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