Friday, June 29, 2012


That lying fat cat International marxist Jew brother was sentenced in federal court the day after the homosexual federal court in DC Jewed America with their half Jew decision in support of the Jewish 1290 days abomination of desolation deception. Too bad that all those stupid white southern goyim in the Bible Belt are just too unsophisticated and unlearned to get it. ~ Therefore, it is now time for them to die and be born again. ~ In confirmation of the REV.16 breakup of America that was just confirmed by the ground shaking surprise breakup of the stars of DAWSON CREEK and MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. ~ Who have been sharing a mountain lodge estate in the highlands of Obama's burning Colorado for the past 5 years of the ten virgins prophecy in MATTHEW 25 etc. ~ For a second witness, the con men insiders in the Jew York City stock market just Jewed up the numbers even more on the day after their Jewish brothers had fucked America in the ass, on behalf of their beloved queer one in DANIEL 9 meets REV.9. ~ For yet another second Israelite witness, some American scientist Jew was grabbed by one of his PLANET OF THE APES Hollywood extras in Charlize' South Africa and dragged for a mile or so. On the very same day that the USA 666 court sided with my illegal alien sidekick from Africa in the occupied CASABLANCA. ~ GSR/TWN

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