Thursday, October 19, 2017


When the naive white lady, who needs plastic surgery, takes her [HARD BODIES] mystery dossier on Donald Trump to the Russians, they immediately contact their insider deep state friends at Hillary Clinton's STATE DEPARTMENT. ~ God forbid, some crazy tall blond NYC midnight cowboy "plan B" fool, who wants to rebuild America's 1980s MTV era military might, and challenge Putin on every front across the globe, could be allowed into the White House again, circa 2020. ~ GSR/TWN ~ BUSH LEAGUE NOTES: George W. Bush condemned President Trump's nativist 12 tribes of Israel international [pro JEREMIAH 31] policies in confirmation of that white Mr. Anderson style BUSCH series driver who died in a MOONEY 20 nose dive into the woods on the sound end of I-91 in Conn. ~ "I don't know why some people are homosexual..." GWB, 2008. ~ PS HILLARY: You probably were right to smash all of your smart phones and laptops with a yuuge hammer after you read about it in the mainstream liberal media; per this new 29ish looking James Comey FBI man pop culture 1980s MTV video, at: ~ AND: PS PRESIDENT MONSON AND SENATOR MCCAIN: Now that both of you are about to kick the bucket big time. Would it not be in your eternal best personal special purpose interest to confess on your death bed that I AM was right after all; starting in October, 1994 on KALL AM talk radio drive time in SLC, UT? ~

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