Friday, October 27, 2017


Senator Flake declared that he will not be running again during my latest BURN AFTER READING updates. ~ Wherein that handsome flake in the film, played by George Clooney, is a fornicating politician figure who is always running; yet never wants to rock the boat. ~ So it makes complete sense that Flake has not had the guts to use his gun even once, during his entire 20-year career in DC. ~ "Get back to me... hmm... when it makes sense." the CIA boss in BAR. ~ Which now ties in directly with all of those Hollywood Jews who openly support compulsory government by day, and secretly engage in compulsory sex by night. ~ True individual liberty is not sex, drugs, and rockn' roll. ~ It's low taxation; regulation; and civil rights litigation. ~ GSR/TWN ~ JFK NOTES: The lone shooter did not act alone. ~ 911 NOTES: The twin towers collapsed because their steel support beams softened and bent under the extreme heat. ~ They did not melt. ~ BIRTHER NOTES: Barack Obama was born in Kenya on 8.4 because that is what his original British hospital birth certificate says; which has never been debunked; not even by all of those foolish virgins at WND. ~

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