Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Think Judge Roy Rogers is that noble Arizona Sheriff Joe protangonist, with a classic inner conflict, figure in TRUE GRIT meets NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. ~ Who in the the end is fucking his 13ish wife really hard in the ass while riding his faithful horse named Blackie. ~ Who is still sticking to his guns regarding Barack Obama's fake antichrist birth certificate and Seth Rich's heroic hacking of Hillary's secret underground basement email operation, like at: ~ Call me nuts, but when the Nazis demanded that Gen. Harry W.O. Kinnard, originally from Dallas, Texas, surrender and give up the fight during the BATTLE OF THE BULGE, he simply replied "Nuts!" ~ According to this prophetic January 12, 09 two witnesses birth dated report at: ~ In contrast to Senator John McCain calling Judge Moore a "nut" many months before the WASHPO had dropped their Roman fascist icon FDR dime on him. ~ As just confirmed by my niggers taking over the throne of Zim Bob Way using the latest and greatest British made military hardware. ~ In confirmation of that newly leaked MI6 report in the latest UK tabloids that yours truly, the Crown Prince of England, is a paranoid schizophrenic egomaniac who is suffering from a Napoleonic complex. ~ PS SENATOR MCVAIN: Better watch your step Jew boy. ~ America's rather flaky and crazy Jewish President Trump could flip out on a dime at any minute and go nuclear on you guys; demanding that his Jewish DOJ produce all of those half Jewis birth records that Hawaii is holding back on regarding Barack Obama. ~ Believe me you; you do not want to go there.

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