Saturday, August 12, 2017


Bob Wiley plays the wily Bob and his motely crew of 16 Jewish money-grubbing athiest communist international banker lawyers over at the DOJ because the lake scenes were shot at the Ephraimite location landmark of Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia; over west of Motely on Hwy.29. ~ As just confirmed by the white people protests going on in the same state of things at the dame time. ~ And like in all of those classic Mel Brooks shrink comedies, the insane asylum patient always trades places with the doctor; and then the hunter becomes the hunted. ~ After the paranoid Bob, who over analyses everything, starts harassing and stalking President Trump's son and daughter family. ~ Beginning with the film's opening shots of crazy Bob walking over to the TRUMP TOWER in Manhattan, as some threatening schizophrenic guy straight out of a Stephen King novel, walks across his path saying, "Dirty bastard... I'll get you!" ~ See it happening right now, at: ~ GSR/TWN ~ DEATH TRAP THERAPY NOTES: Crazy Bob hops on a bus driven by a Korean lady because the Korean peninsula is shaped like a penis stump. ~ Then later Rich Drey/fuss uses STUMP OUT black [civil war era] gun powder to blow up the House of Israel on [Joeseph] Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia. ~ CALLING LONDON NOTES: When I will be the KING OF ENGLAND who looks like a blond Iggy Pop sensation, circa 1993-1996, all of the darker skinned poor people who are beneath me will become my silent loyal servants. ~ If the money is right of course and the bank check is good. ~ Who will have no right anyway to question anything that I might deem to say on TWITTER from one day to the next. ~ "Sometimes I say one thing, then I say another thing." Jesus Christ himself at

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