Sunday, December 3, 2017


That Catholic raised super star of BOOGIE NIGHTS has asked God to forgive him for doing it because he does not believe in the Biblical principle of plural marriage. ~ Guess we can scratch that asshole off the invite list at our grand opening fuck feast at the PLAYBOY MANSION in 2020. ~ Hey, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the party for everyone else. ~ "You're spoiling my high." ~ BEVERLY HILLS COP 1. ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS KRISTEN STEWART: You no like it, me no like it. ~ PS NYT NO.57,800: Less Larry King, less Bernie Sanders, less the ghost of Daniel Shore, yada yada. ~ Remember, CITIZEN KANE was a [Park City, Utah film festival] prophecy about your tabloid politics newspaper failing to make it in the year of our Lord 2020; due to various sex scandals. ~ When President Trump gets reelected to a second term in office. ~ And the current state of Israel had undergone a complete physical transfiguration state of mind in only 6.66 days. ~

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