Saturday, December 16, 2017


Donna tells the handsome 29ish Crown Prince of England, France, and Italy, who likes to French kiss his big brown dog, that she is an old goatee cheese maker from southern France's Pyrenees region in THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS, 1996. ~ Talk about flirty fishing missionary style, circa ROMA 1972. ~ Which was immediately confirmed by that ten virgins school bus getting cut in half by a train in Per/pig/nan at: ~ That acted as a double confirmation of THE B-52'S cheesy quiche Lauraine vide. ~ GSR/TWN ~ PS EL WOOD: This look alike sign from Ealwood, Kansas City is about you never calling your no.1 Labrador blind guide dog because I don't believe in your Catholic church of the sex predators and sexual offenders in 1NEPHI 14, at: ~ CORRECTION: I forgot about adding the one cup of whole milk to my secret total of 60 minutes Bolognese sauce. ~ Also, this traditional northern Italy sauce pairs exceptionally well with any egg pasta. ~ Remember, you only have to simmer it for 30 minutes, not 4 hours. ~ Because you will put the leftovers sauce into a sealed microwavable dish in the fridge that will season up very nicely over the next 24/7 period. ~ Without cooking to death all of the original primary ingredients. ~ [A little lasagna pussy cat clit trick that I learned when I was a mormon missionary in Sienna, Tuscany during the 1972 Christmas season.] ~ PS QUINTAN TARATINO: I AM is thinking that we make my first two debut movies with one of your ridiculously over-the-top 200 page sureal screenplays that is chuck full of too-cool-for-school 1989 MTV video dialogue. ~ More tax free money, less after tax money. ~ SPECIAL ALERT!! Mr. brown baked meatloaf's song about doing anything that his bitch lover wants, except paying higher taxes, is at: ~

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