Sunday, December 24, 2017


That negro caricature [voice actor] named Dan from San Pedro's 9th Street district calls into THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS' two witnesses radio show and hears about that crazy Bobcat at the DOJ who is chasing imaginary bugs up a wall. ~ Because 99% of the black folks in today's Sodom and Egypt vote for the same political party that crazy Bob and his gang of 16 Jews and one token negro support. ~ As portrayed by Dan's male gay pussycat licking his Peter for 3 hours during the future 70 weeks period in DANIEL 9. ~ When the prophecy of the two witnesses of Judah and Ephraim will finally be fulfilled in the 62/69/70th week. ~ Which started on the day that God's BRANCH DAVIDIAN servant was miraculoisly elected. ~ Or did it start on the day that he was officially innaugurated as President on January 20, 2017. ~ Beats the shit out of me. ~ GSR/TWN ~ THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL NOTES: Today's Jewish insider NYT/CIA/CNN jokers would be "nowhere" if not for the niggers and the queers. ~ PS JIM CARREY: Think PET DETECTIVE:3. ~ I know a good deal when I see it. ~ I can bank money on it, you can bank money on it. ~ What's not to like dude? ~ Throw into your typical Donald Trump type tv deal contract that I can cure you of your little herpes 1&2 problems, you get to play a major part in my upcoming BIG LEBOWSKI Internet video series. ~

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