Thursday, December 7, 2017


On the same day that President Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, all of the negros in the House voted to impeach him. ~ And all of the white folks voted to keep him. ~ Do you get the big picture now? ~ Meanwhile, Senator Hatch says that he has a BM with Bannon's name it. ~ Probably one of those revised RLDS editions where they changed the word "white" to simply say 'pure'. ~ No wonder, me DC 85, he DC 86. ~ GSR/TWN ~ NYT NOTES: Today's NYT edition features the 804 birth date on the abomination of desolation's fake birth certificate. ~ Sorry to keep bringing this shit up. ~ But it is all sooo God damn fucking funny! ~ PS ORRIN: I have a copy of the 2BC with your name on it. ~ Wherein God says that the fat and happy negro slaves in the upcoming millennial KINGDOM OF GOD will not have the right to vote; much less hold the higher priesthood. ~ Lucky bastards; who among us would rather go fishing that sit through hours and hours of meaningless high priesthood meetings? ~ Meanwhile, all of your basic food, clothing, and shelter needs are being paid for in style by the white man. ~ Including home mortgage and house insurance; property taxes; and even negro college tuition. ~ PS BARRY: Of course Trump is the new albino [Hitler] mentioned after your mulatto name is also mentioned in NIRVANA's 1991 college basketball court MTV video. ~ Which is what the upcoming Greek President's [OLYMPIC GAMES] in M.A.S.H. will be all about. ~ Where we see that Jewish Adam Sandler Republican look alike take the [big brown turd] ball back and run with it into the end zone. ~ Hey, shit happens. ~ And there is nothing that you or I can do about it. ~ And I quote, "The Koreans are the most wonderful people that I have ever had the privilege to know..." General MacArthur. ~ Who wanted to drop the bomb on North Korea in order to end it all once and for good. ~

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