Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Enough is enough. It's time for the real fathers of America to kidnap the kids, and hog tie the mothers; and their mother fucker boyfriends too. ~ ~ In other words, it's time to hold America hostage, and force her to come clean; per the prophetic elements outlined in Mel Gibson's RANSOM prophecy meets 2013. ~ ~ Imagine NATURAL BORN KILLERS: TWO meets LAST TANGO IN PARIS: TWO. And such a formerly crazy idea has now become a completely realistic idea because they both could be shot on the cheap in video. ~ ~ Which means that you can now make a ridiculous movie musical like NINE for just $4,000,000, instead of $80,000,000; just because the screenplay might have a few interesting ideas in it worth perusing. And it doesn't matter if it makes a cash profit anyway. Since the underground film message was way more important in the first place than increasing your already existing billion dollar portfolio. ~ ~ Plus, the most important thing right now is what's in it for me, not you. Not speaking sarcastically. ~ ~ GSR/TWN ~ ~ BULLSHIT CORRECTIONS: There is no pending default on US government securities whatsoever, period. ~ ~ Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, end of story. ~ ~ The Mormon church is not still receiving revelation from God. [That kind of thing now happens at 2bc.info etc.] ~ ~ Elvis is not not dead. ~ ~ LIGHTS OUT NOTES: See this second witness type power failure omen at a major sports event, at: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/10/15/lights-kinda-out-at-comerica-park/

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