Saturday, November 30, 2013


Just like you are not actually married or engaged to your current "husband" Barack Obama is not actually your president. And every time that they say "President Obama" on FOX NEWS, or on the Michael Medved talk radio show, you know in your guts that they are nuts. ~ ~ No wonder that all of the lost 12 tribes of Israel are about to get their hearts cut out. ~ ~ You fuck the Book of Mormon in the ass, the Book of Mormon fucks you back in the ass too, in spades. ~ ~ Sometimes the best kind of 1970s style Flirty Fucking involves anal sex. ~ ~ Hey, whatever works, by any means necessary, yada yada... GSR/TWN ~ ~ ROSEMARY NOTES: That hell-i-copter carrying a couple of corrupt FBI cops crashed through the roof of the Clue pub on Black Friday in Glascow, Scotland because that is where Adrian Marcato was born in the ROSEMARY'S BABY prophecy about Barack Obama's white Jewish mother mating with that black devil from Africa in REV.17, etc. ~ ~ Note that the Rt.111 Chocolate Mountains [mousse] landmark appears at 1:11 on the DVD, when we see the street number 111 on the TIME LIFE building on 50th. ~ ~ MEMORY NOTES: God also told me that Jessica Beil and Justin Timberlake are going to break up. Per all those Divine earthquakes along Rt.111 on the same day that Jennifer Aniston's divorce papers were finally finalized at that LA court house of the devil, located at street number 111. ~ ~ Which represents the desecrated temple grounds in REV.11:1; where the LDS Israelites and the RLDS gentile niggers will once again be separated. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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